Free Steem Dollars + Followers Minnows Faucet ( July 30 )

in #minnowsfaucet7 years ago

If you want to get free steem dollars :

1 leave a comment + follow all commenters.

2 upvote + resteem this post.


100% of SBD from this post will be distributed after 7 days equally to

the voters who followed directions.

#minnowsfaucet members of July 26
(You still can enter ALL earlier contests and and earn within past 6 days)


#minnowsfaucet members of July 27
(You still can enter ALL earlier contests and and earn within past 6 days)


#minnowsfaucet members of July 28
(You still can enter ALL earlier contests and and earn within past 6 days)


#minnowsfaucet members of July 29
(You still can enter ALL earlier contests and and earn within past 6 days)


TIP: You can earn mutual by upvoting a post on the blogs of these members with a comment "hi I followed You via #minnowsfaucet " you be making use of this minnows community to grow together


welcome to the #minnowsfaucet community

if You want to earn daily contest rewards You need to enter each individual day contest post and repeat the minimum actions to get rewarded from that days share.

1 leave Your comment + follow all commenters.
2 upvote + resteem the post.


Each new day is 1 new #minnowsfaucet entry,
repeat the minimum actions to get rewarded :
1 leave Your comment + follow all commenters.
2 upvote + resteem the post.

Nothing can stop #Minnowsfaucet,
We going all the way up @rishherbalist

HolySmoke! ... upVoted... ReSteemed.... Following all those who have commented...

More Power to the Minnows!!!

hi I followed You via #minnowsfaucet

Woooo Wooooo chugga chugga Chugga chugga Wooooo Wooooooo

tip! post

Hi @primal-buddhist! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

let's go on that train again ;-)

i see you commented followed upvoted resteemed on all those contest entries, will confirm all 🐟🐠

Hi @webresultat! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

lets grow together!

checked, you made 2 entries, why not do all ?
🐳 Spouting Whale
🐋 Whale
🐬 Dolphin
🐟 Fish
🐠 Tropical Fish
🐡 Blowfish

You are in !

First, I just want to thank you! Veteran smeemians like doing what they can to help out rookies like me surely fosters the growth of this incredible community. I tip my hat to you. Upvoted, resteemed, and followed everyone too btw :)

Upvoted, followed everyone and resteemed.

BOOM! You are in 🐟

hi I followed You via #minnowsfaucet

I followed you back :)

tip! post

Hi @sixexgames! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

This is a great help for noobs! Thank you so much! I am trying to deliver quality content but need a wider audience!

Hi I followed you via #Minnowsfaucet @rishherbalist

hello @hashclouds could not find your re-steemed post

Sorry! Done now! Thanks!

Cool confirmed 🐟 You are in!

tip! post

Hi @hashclouds! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

Hi I followed you via #Minnowsfaucet @rishherbalist

I read WTF! so WTF
Who To Follow ?
#minnowsfaucet thats who, thanks for making me smile
You are in !

lol, most of the time I see FTW, my mind read WTF first haha.

tip! link

Hi. I am a volunteer bot for @resteembot that upvoted you.
Your post was chosen at random, as part of the advertisment campaign for @resteembot.
@resteembot is meant to help minnows get noticed by re-steeming their posts

To use the bot, one must follow it for at least 3 hours, and then make a transaction where the memo is the url of the post.
The price per post is the author's reputation, devided by 1000.
(For example 44 reputation means minimum 0.044 SBD or STEEM.)
Even better: If your reputation is lower than 28 re-steeming only costs 0.001 SBD!

If you want to learn more - read the introduction post of @resteembot.
If you want help spread the word - read the advertisment program post.

Steem ON!

Hi I followed you via #Minnowsfaucet @rishherbalist

Yes thank You, investigating if this is good for the #minnowsfeed community to grow

all done :)

You are a loyal founding member TY @bachone You are in !

Always :)
I love your program. Thanks for doing them

tip! post

Hi @bachone! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

Commented and resteemed

Awesome I see You upvoted, commented, resteemed and followed
see You in the dolphin pond soon !

tip! link

Following everyone and resteemed post. Would love to be on your list!! My steemit name is @sallykwitt. Thank you @nicnicy

I have seen You took all actions and even shared links to twitter, facebook and linkedin You are super awesome
🐳 Spouting Whale
🐋 Whale
🐬 Dolphin
🐟 Fish
🐠 Tropical Fish
🐡 Blowfish

tip! post

Hi @sallykwitt! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

Wow ~ Great ~~

thanks for your help.

1 leave Your comment + follow all commenters.
2 upvote + resteem the post.

~~~ embed:891500564881735680 a little help from me via twitter twitter metadata:S2VsaUZvcmxvdmV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vS2VsaUZvcmxvdmUvc3RhdHVzLzg5MTUwMDU2NDg4MTczNTY4MCBhIGxpdHRsZSBoZWxwIGZyb20gbWUgdmlhIHR3aXR0ZXJ8 ~~~

Hi I followed you via #Minnowsfaucet @rishherbalist

KeliForlove keli Forlove tweeted @ 30 Jul 2017 - 03:27 UTC

Free Steem Dollars + Followers Minnows Faucet ( July 27 ) — Steemit…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Hi I followed you via #Minnowsfaucet @rishherbalist

Retweeted You to my 39K followers
#minnowsfaucet community thanks You !

tip! post

Hi @veibone! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

Upboted and followed everybody from all prior and current posts on this page and resteemed:)

Yes I have seen You do that, You did, You are so in !

Hi @kayleigh-alesta! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

Great initiative from #minnowsfaucet. Did all the 3 steps :)

Keep going stronger! Cheers :)

Hi @pisolutionsmru! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

Yes I have seen You move around, good effort, You are very welcome, you are in!

tip! post

You should maybe use 1 SBD on your post on @randowhale and then keep that fee when it pays out. Would probably gsin higher sucess.
Just a thought :)

NO I will not keep any fees, this is our monies equal to all active members I promised a 100% equally distributed and a promise is a promise.
any extra tips I gave to members or upvotes for bots came out my own pocket, this can be verified in my wallet.

Yes you have a good tip, I did this on the 26 jul post, I let the posts grow a little days older and then call in the bots so everybody gets more paid.
Happy with Your feedback this is very welcome as we do this toghether thanks @bachone !

tip! post

Hi @bachone! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

its so Perfect , Thanks. Upvoted , Commented, Resteamed and following all Commenters. thumbs up guys

You are in 🐠

tip! post

Hi @kingjan! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

अपकी वोट हमारे लिए महत्यपूर्ण है। जिसके लिए हम आपको धन्यवाद करते है। और वोट करते रहे।
Your vote is important to us. For which we thank you. And keep voting.
strong work

100% of SBD from this post will be distributed after 7 days equally to
the voters who followed directions.

great idea...count me in..thx

You are in 🐠 see it worked for you !

tip! post

Hi @nicnicy! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

I'm in))) just done) thanks for this possibility!

You are in 🐠 see You commented voted followed resteemed, welcome @olgy-art

tip! link

Upvoted & resteemed

tip! post

Hi @fazilmemon! You have just received a 0.102 SBD tip from @nicnicy!

Check out the newest post from @nicnicy: ▶ Meet My New Girlfriend - Share #Minnowsfaucet ( Aug 10 ) and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!