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RE: Hey, Minnows! Free Promotion to 2500+ FANS, PLUS a Chance to Win Free $SBD and So Much More.

in #minnowsunite6 years ago

Thanks Mark, I appreciate your kindness, it's great what you're doing. I do have a favour to ask, but first, I just wanted to say I looked at day 2 and I wish I'd seen it before my latest post. Anyway, doesn't matter I'll keep it in mind for next time. I got some great tips out of it and it looks like your project is going fantastically. I'm so glad nothing gets archived here...yet, so I can go back and read things I didn't have time to study properly. There's just SO much! Anyway about the favour, I know you're very busy, I can only imagine the amount of planning, effort, creativity and strategy required to do this kind of thing for a living, I will have to plod along patiently until I make some headway, if only to see how far this experiment goes, although with your background and experience it must also be lots of fun! Oh, before I ask the favour I thought I'd share one little titbit of info you might not know: a full long post with images etc uses about 3+kb of bandwidth, although yours maybe more because of the memes. So what I wanted to ask was, do you think you could develop a fast track dolphin school for busy/lazy people with less homework? 😉


LOL! You bucket brigaded me! NiCE! Um, I'll have to think about it. I'm sure I could. I could probably also edit this down to half the content without losing anything, but I came up with this idea on Monday, so.....I'm pantsing it a bit. I've been writing and teaching this stuff so long as a blogger and marketing consultant, I open my mouth and it just falls out. I'm planning to write a good guide to steemit. The ones I've read, suck mud. So, the images are sucking up bandwidth? I'll cut back on that.