Day 3 on steemit: Where are all the cool people at!?

in #minnowsupport6 years ago (edited)

I got my steemit account three days ago and am really chuffed to be here, it seems like a really cool space.

I'm an original content creator and I'm sick of all my stuff being ghostbanned, vanishing down the big social media monopolies' algorithmic memory holes. This is the first time I've uploaded my stuff to a blockchain. It's exciting that these posts can't ever be censored.

I spent my first couple of days here wading through posts about cryptocurrency and markets because I made the mistake of following back ALL of the 177 profiles who had followed me. I spent most of yesterday checking out all these profiles and unfollowing most of them. A lot of them were just bots. Some were dead accounts. Most seemed to be only interested in mining the site for crypto.

I can completely understand the obsession with crypto. It's at least half of steemit's raison d'etre. The work being done here could one day reform the world's corrupt monetary system, which would be an amazing victory.

Personally though, I'm interested in reclaiming the internet (and popular culture) back from our corporate overlords, not getting rich. I'm here to escape the big social media monopolies, to continue the work I had been doing on their platforms and to find an audience that isn't controlled and manipulated by big data.

I'm interested in helping to unf**k the world.

I'm not interested in acquiring wealth, or tasty recipes or random photos of your dinner/pets/material possessions/holidays, (sorry, not sorry).

I'd really like to find and connect with more of my tribe, if they're here. The resistance; The Deep Green, Peace and Social Justice movements. Activists. Anarchists. Anti-fascists. Anti-Frackers. Anti-racists. Anonymous. Artists. Artivists. Brandals. Campaigners. Dissenters. Environmentalists. Free thinkers. Citizen Journalists. Occupiers. Protectors. Protestors. Rainbow warriors. Rebels. R3V0_|utionaries. Socialists. Solutionaries.

I've found a handful of cool people here so far but it's taken a hell of a lot of trawling.

Is there a quicker way? Do any of you good steemians have any good advice for me?

Any and all feedback welcome.

Cheers. is quite good.


I love the #informationwar tag... I have found really stellar people, think that is how I found you! Look forward to your posting.

Thanks, will try that one.
I'm not a fan of AJ and infowars though tbh...Hopefully the tag will be deeper than just that hate and fear filled lunatic's myopic worldview.

not an alex jones tag... despite the obvious wording. Seems more anti-censorship.

Good to know. Thanks.

Imagine that the community on the steem blockchain is actually very small compared to the traditional social media sites. Recently i've heard the number of about 100.000 of active accounts. When you subtract all the boring crypto talkers and bots, i think we only have maybe a couple of thousands (or even only hundreds) of creative, productive, progressive people. Minus those who simply aren't interested in your topic...

I don't know if my logic is correct, but after all this is the kind of "reality" i'm trying to deal with.

To answer your headline, cool people are somewhere around, but they are hard to find. And there is no shortcut for trawling :)

To make things a little bit easier i recommend to always set the timeline to "New" post, not the default "Trending". Look under various tags, not only those that are presented on the startpage. Before you vote, check out recent comments! There are bots that leave a comment when the poster is a known spammer, which happens often, unfortunately.

It's also a good idea to use another frontend than steemit. Projects like or are way more fun.

Cheers, I'll have a proper look at those front ends asap.

I gave up on all the feeds (trending, new, hot and promoted) am just trawling the search + most recent now and recommended or interesting tags.

This place would be so freaking awesome if it was better populated, eh?