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RE: 2k follower milestone! As my thanks: Ultimate guide to everything I wished I knew about Steemit when I joined all in one post! WARNING: MEGAPOST!

Congratulations, wow 2000!

This is a great post for a minnow like me. Even though I 'technically' joined June 2017, I didn't really even notice or attempt to use Steemit until December and only this past monty (with the turn of the year) did I finally come to see what a great place it is and why I wanted to make sure daily visits were part of my new years plans.

If I make it to 1000 I might do a giveaway of a print of my art or something, do you think that is cheesy? Is that the sort of thing that might be soon fun here or would it seem too 'other platform-like'?

I'm stull not 100% on curation rewards. And I just found out today from another poster about some sort of auto-voting that I didn't really understand. I thought votes were just from people reading looking and voting, but I guess not.

There is still so much to learn, but I'm not in a hurry. It'll come as it needs and right now I am just enjoying contests/ challenges and growing my circle of art /creative friends. I know you have been a bit of a beacon for me sometimes when I find myself lost in the Steemit sea! Thanks for that.

And again, congratulations!


I think it's a great idea to do a print giveaway, I actually won a print from @reinhard-schmid and I treasure it :D There are sites you can use to autovotes people like steemvoter, if there are people you consistently want to support. It can be used for good or laziness depends on the person.