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RE: Helpful Tips for New Steemians: How to Join the Minnow Support Project and the PALnet Discord Group...Plus Tips for Using Discord.

I have joined the minnowsupportproject through ur given link but i can't understand what to do after joing i m totally confused i see there only chating and chating . please help me and explain how can i increase my upvote through minnow support and how can i use it. thanks for ur nice and informative post.


When you enter the Minnow Support Palnet Discord group you will see a list of channels on the left.
The top channel is “start-here”. Click on that and you will see links that explain the process of registration. If you need help, just enter the “general-noposting” channel and ask for a mod’s assistance.
We now have over 4200 members so there is always someone chatting in the general channel.

Ok thanks for ur info..