Solos Weekly Picks: Fresh water

in #minnowsupport4 years ago (edited)

When spending time on lakes, rivers, ponds and other fresh water locations I enjoy fishing, searching for mussels, looking for clams, walking, kayaking, canoeing around in the water. Bodies of freshwater is not like the Ocean, but with less salt and localized to a lake, river system or pond. Just like with the ocean, bodies of water can be quite diverse around the world.

In this weeks edition of Solos Weekly Picks, I look at some post done by minnows (one dolphin but with outgoing delegation is at minnow level). We see some bodies of fresh water including Badlands rivers near an Alpine lake in New Mexico, Western Montana lakes, a lake in Switzerland at 8200 feet, a river in Austria, and a lake with a bunch of birds on it..

Went On A Trip To Some Badlands To A River Running Through. Photography and Video by @tempertantric

Seeing a river flow through a desert landscape is a treat, along that river many plants will grow that otherwise would not be able to survive in such a climate. Sometimes these rivers are seasonal but for life along living along the river its essential. @tempertantric talks about how remote the canyon walls make them feel, and the coloring of the mountains give a special look to the place. That water looks real clear too, I would love to visit one day.

West Balkans - Switzerland - Italy moto trip (part 5) by @orestistrips

Quite a journey was made to this lake, but from looking at the pictures it was well worth it. Climbing up snowy mountains, and a road trip just to get to the trail head looks like quite the adventure. But once they got to the lake the calm and clear waters probably make it all worth it.

Western Montana Scenes and Stories by @scribblingramma

Traveling out to Echo Lake, @scribblingramma and her brother in law drove to this location. And enjoyed the changing of the seasons with the colors of the leaves changing. Along with some small rapids down in the ravine. The mountains surrounding the landscape give this place a nestled cozy feeling to me. And it was still early enough in the season where there was no snow on them just yet. So the rock, and bare soil can still be seen at this time of year. I am sure that will change soon with fall setting in.

My Last Trip To The Lake (For The Summer) by @omra-sky

Spending a day on the lake provided alot of great wildlife to watch, many ducks, gulls and something quite large moving under the water. Maybe it was a log pulled up by the current, or maybe something more mysterious. But by and by I enjoyed all of the animated gifs in the post and the captions about how the seagull was making the two ducks uncomfortable. This will be the last trip for this summer to the lake, but looks like quite alot was seen while there that day.

FLy-fishing at the Traun river in Austria by @mrf83

Fishing on a river gives you the chance of catching something to eat, and to enjoy the scenery at the same time. I rarely catch anything, but just spending time away from most people and in my little own patch of the woods on the water has a special feeling to it. Fly fishing was done by @mrf83 on this river. The water was flowing quite fast so they had to be careful where they walked on the water. Coffee was made part way through the adventure and then continued fishing for a while. I enjoyed the evening shots of the river giving the rocks and white waters a cool look.

Thats my curation of five minnows on the Hive Blockchain for the week. Stay tuned next week to see the next five of Solo's picks.

Addresses below to help me buy better camera equipment and support me to travel to locations to do photo and video and overall great blogs in new places.



Thank you for the love!

Ah no problem

Thank you for posting my travelogue!

Happy to share your post.. quite the adventure you had there.

Indeed :) More to follow soon;)