It takes Just 5 steps to be Big whale!!!

in #minnowsupportproject7 years ago (edited)

Hello Dear steemians!

It’s been my 4th day on steemit and I am exploring ,meeting new people, chatting around in different groups . I keep on searching different platforms to help newbies on steemit. I was introduced to this wonderful platform called @minnowsupport program by @nichan .At first I hesitated to join but when I joined I found the wonderful people like @aggroed @justcallmemyth @nicNas and so many other people who keep guiding every member in the @dicordchannel.
It’s very easy to join and great platform to support newbies on steemit
If you're ready to join a Steemit Community with potential and start growing your following and getting those upvotes, just follow the steps!

TO Get Started Follow Simple 5 steps:-

                                      Step 1

Join Discord Channel(
First time may require signup which is very easy.

                                         Step 2

After signing up go inside Discord Channel

Go to registration section that is in channels list

type in $register username in the chat box

Follow the instruction given by @banjo and @minnowsupport bots
Here is screen shot of what they may ask and please do not use the memo shown in pic use your own memo.

                          STEP 3

SteeemVoter signup is required which is just a minute task
Here is the link for Steemvoter :
Once you finished signing up, Add your account don’t worry I will guide you.

  1. Click on add new account
  2. Give your username and private posting key(obtained from wallet in your profile by clicking show private posting key)
  3. Now click add account

After this you have to wait until your account is approved by @aggroed
After linkage of profile you will have to add the rule like given below

Take screen shot and save it for final step.

          Step 4

Signup for Streemian account.

Here is the link :
Register your account there
After finishing this step Unlock your Steemit account.

Hint: Members Say SteemJS Has Been The Best Method

Now follow the steps below:
• Go to the top of website and click service.
• Then click curation trail.
• Just select minnowsupport trail.

Set the trail anyway you want:

Once done minnowsupport should appear in your Trail
Your Trail:

Take screen shot and save for final step.

              Step 5

Go back to Discord Channel and send screenshot to @aggroed via direct message
Once @aggroed verify your registration that you are Member of the most helpful channel Congrats!!!

Special thanks to @benjojo who donated 110,000 SP to this cause we are in your debt .
Moreover i make promise to help people who want to join project and i mean it feel free to ask any queries :)

                        Upvote ,Follow ,Resteem  !


Thanks man! You relly doing a great sharing for a step by step guildline for all those who have trouble to join minnow. I am a new joiner too. What I can say is people in there is so friendly and helpful. You can ask whatever you don't know in there!

This is indeed very helpful.👍

yeah people are awesome there thanks for the join i hope you do the same once you are there :)

Nice post, I wish this post came earlier so that I can save a lot of time reading, asking and testing how to do to join the @minnowsupport project. Welcome to the project too.
This is useful to all the newly joined minnows or for those who want to join the project. I will refer them to your post.
Good Job!

thanks alot please resteem this post so it can save others many troubles thanks for the support

Thanks for this comprehensive guide post. I have completed my registration. Thanks to @ilyastarar as he helped me when registering.
Thanks to @aggroed as he has replied me 'Done'
What else is needed ? how to promote post now ?

thanks for registering just go to upvote section type $upvote url of post you want to be upvoted you will get automatic upvotes .....thanks

Have u registrate on "" ? I feel it is not safe to give our site ur private key.....2

I registered So far so good.

Thank you, upvoted, now I am trying to follow the steps to register for the minnowsupport project. Your guide is very detailed and step-by-step, very helpful indeed.

thanks alot i write it to help others i am glad it helped you please resteem it so every one can get helped

Your article is really helpul and I have just finished registration, resteemed. One more question, how can I let others upvote my post after I have registered? Just use the command $upvote and add my link in the upvote-resteem channel on discord?


If only the two bots upvote me, that means I am not verified yet?

these two bots have power of all the people in there and you should register with streemian voter too

Very nice post buddy. Thanks for the mention as well. I try to help out as much as i can. That goes for anyone who needs help. Feel free to DM me on the discord channel he posts above. Great tutorial @diverse-thinker

thanks buddy

Im not saying this dosw not work, but Im sceptical about giving my key. Even dough most her are great people, there are some scammers.
I like help, but why should i trust this?

I share your thoughts @jonas91.
My wife and my keys (what ever those are, from my house, car, safe, pc, btc wallet, steemit, ... You fill the list) - are two things i do not trust lending to anyone. Amen.

so much this...

this is a great post for setup, but i would like a list of the security risks of giving up my posting key from someone that knows the ins and outs of steemit...who can we tag or when can someone point me to get a detailed explanation of that?

So i should go for this? I would like that to

Hei @jonas91
Hvis det er noen som vet hvordan man blir rik her så er det vel meg (lommeboken min beviser vel det plus at jeg er den 90. rikeste i hele Steemit). Du trenger å komme deg til Fredrikstad før du gjør for mange ting som ikke er lurt og ikke kan gjøres om.

Det er potensielt farlig og gi bort nøkler. Det har vært poster om det også.

Det er jeg som er din venn her, ingen andre foreløpig.
Det er også ting jeg ikke vil snakke om åpent her, men alt som heter minnow er ikke bra spør du meg.

PS. Hvis du ikke ønsker at jeg blander meg inn i ting så føl deg fri til å si ifra.

Jeg regner med at har mye peiling, og jeg setter veldig pris på all hjelp, Du har jo tjent deg en god formue her inne, og det kommer ikke uten at du har peiling. Jeg kommer ikke til å gi ut noen nøkler, mye dårlig folk her inne.

De første ukene nå har jeg brukt til å undersøke hva som funker, og hva som ikke fungerer, og har nå tenkt å publisere bedre poster. Jeg regner med at følger med på meg. Alle valg har kansje ikke vært så smarte, og vis du mener jeg har gjort ting som kan være potensialt farlig, vil jeg gjerne at du utdyper det.

Jeg prøver bare å lære hvordan alt dette fungerer, og det er fryktelig mye å sette seg inn i

Hei igjen @jonas91

Bare ikke gi ut nøkler så er det meste ungått ;-)
Ikke prøv å lære for mye på en gang.

Lurt å konsentrere seg om poster til vi møtes ;-)

Nå må jeg sove, god natt.

Ok @ramta.
God natt

Upvote gjerne postene mine om du ønsker det.

@wetthebeak @benjojo can guide you he himslef donated for the cause

i have tried this and people i mentioned are trustworthy... it your choice but you can rely

Ok, thanks for reply.

i hope you will resteem for others people to know about it as it is support program it will help all

I cant resteem afetr 7 days? I decide a comment is a way to save it. Good work. Thank you!

Thank you very much for the info. Very helpful.

Can you help me become a whale? 😬🙌🏼

hahahah definitely once i will be a whale i will keep supporting and help others to be a big whale :D

Great instructions, this will help out a lot of people.

thanks if you think so resteem :)

No problem, keep up the good work.

thanks for the support

Dude, that's a great post for someone with 4 days experience.
1 comment, go back and edit your spelling mistakes. Especially links.
You can edit up to 5 times. I quite often use all of them to try to make a post as good as it can be.
Nice work, I learned something so I've resteemed.

thanks alot i will edit

you saved a lot of us hell of time bro
i will meet you in discord :D

yeah see you there if you think i saved your time please resteem this article so everyone can benefit

This seems to be a good opportunity to take, thanks for this! I'l give it a try later on :)

also upvote and resteem

I've seen this a dozen times now and the look of it scares me. Nothing has been so complicated for my brain. I will have to get done with it.

its very simple just follow instructions

Reached the discord finally. Things are understandable from here on.

Done. Too complicated for me man!

I love this post and this community. Thanks for the effort! :)

You are doing great for beginners. Nice to comment & upvoted you.

Nice write up! Resteemed

thanks buddy :)

following you

Im not sure if you fully realize how much time you just saved me by posting this information. Thanks a ton! A Resteem, Upvote, Follower for life!

thanks man following you

Thanks for your post. Over a week ago - I decided to participate in Streemian. I sent 0.20 SBD which was a mistake and then I got stuck at unlock your account. Maybe I just do not understand the purpose of Streemian and why unlocking my account is necessary. Can you please assist me? Thanks in advance.

unlock your account by SJ app and its necessary becauseit gives power to streemian to vote on your behalf the more members are registered more power it has to upvote

if you find it useful do restreem

I have resteemed as your post is useful. Can you explain why Streemian needs to to upvote on my behalf? Of all the services that Streemian offers this is the one that baffles me. I prefer to read posts myself and upvote them if I like them. I actually read them. Maybe I am missing something - not sure. Thanks in advance for your explanation

no not in that sense it up votes actually when anybody from newbies goes to upvote section of dsicord channel and ask for upvote then two bots banjo and minnowsupport upvote them the power of these bots is directly proportional to number of people registered at streemvoters

no not in that sense it up votes actually when anybody from newbies goes to upvote section of dsicord channel and ask for upvote then two bots banjo and minnowsupport upvote them the power of these bots is directly proportional to number of people registered at streemvoters

Woah, I'm on my fourth day here too, and you're way ahead of me ;) Thanks for painstakingly creating a step by step guide for us rock!

thanks @foodie.warrior i hope it helped you just resteem it and spread the word

ok how do i take a screen shot and how do i make a direct message ? is it safe to pass over control of my account ? thnx for this and i will give it a go if i can work ou the steps -I am now following you -David

if you are on laptop just use snipping tool

good on you for reply - i am looking around my laptop now

you just simplified the process. thanks for posting

thanks for the support please upvote and resteem it

Great instruction @diverse-thinker!
Follow you

thanks alot :) please re steem so every one can benefit from it and followed you too buddy

I'm here 3 days only and I have questions:
What this tool does? Why I should neet this?

this is the program to support newbies on steemit basically it is free upvotes once you register you ask for upvotes and you get all the upvotes of the persons register with program

so it's sort of chitting for guys who feel they are clever enough fo avoid a common rules and growing on "upvotes" begging

So it'sa place to getting upvotes for nothing (just because you can register there :))

Awesome of you to show us noobs how it's done Many Thanks

thansk alot and pelease resteem it so everyone can benefit :)

Thanks for writing this guide, I joined the project today and was thinking of writing something similar to help the newcomers, but I see you already did it. Just a detail though, the vote should be set to 10%, not 20%, to avoid draining it too quickly.

yes but i did it to 20% and it dont drain quickly and thanks for supporting please resteem so every on can benefit

Also, shouldn't the post age be left at 1440min (1 day)? you set it to 14min.

@davidwilliams if you're looking for a way to meet new people and generate some more interest in your work, check out this post about discord.

the "Unlock your Steemit account." could use some more info

it asks for username and a WIF what the hell is a WIF

Thanks. I am still learning. Great info, will deep dive into it.

Thank you very much. This is great! How long does it take to get approved for your steemvoter account?

Thank you. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.


keep it up man, help the world first and you'd get a long just fine. Cheers!

I am stuck on step 2 - i am short 0.001 to pay both bots. i asked twice in the chat and haven't received any responses

Not ready yet, but taking the steps. Complicated, though. Anyway, I´m very excited about this. Thank you very much for your great help.

So you have to sign up with three different services to join the group?

  1. Join Discord Channel
  2. SteeemVoter signup is required
  3. Signup for Streemian account

Thanks minnowsupportproject msp you make to get more happy life in steem.

Wha do you mean Mongo is behind by about 3 hours.??

I cant wait to join

Thks for sharing dis info, am in.

Step 4 doesn't seem to work

I cannot get steemians to unlock using either of the methods....