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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | Top 5 Bucket List

It's hard to narrow it down to 5 things I'd like to do before I kick the bucket, but I think I'd be satisfied with these 5.

  1. Almost everyone likes the idea of perpetuating the species and leaving someone in this world who shares our genes. I think having a son or daughter is one of those scary, yet comforting things.

  2. I am a man of science and as a good man of science I would like to be able to go down in history contributing with an advance that benefits society. To be able to discover or help discover a drug to eradicate a deadly disease would be one of the things I would like to achieve.

  3. Photography is one of my passions. Photographs from the top of the highest mountains in the world are a true wonder. However, my physical and economic capacity does not allow me to reach those peaks. But without hesitation, being able to be on the roof of the world would be one of those things I would like to do before I die.

  4. Recover old friendships. Over the years I have lost contact with many friends because they are from other countries and I do not have their phone, email and I have not been able to locate them through social networks. To recover the contact to know how they are and to be able to recover lost time is one of those things that I would like to achieve.

  1. History is one of my passions. To be able to visit one of the cradles of civilization such as Egypt and its pyramids is a dream I would like to fulfill before I kick the bucket.



Hello @castri-ja , what beautiful dreams you have, from this list I hope you can get at least two.