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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | The Last Smell in the World

It would definitely be the fragrance that emanates from my wife's skin. I'm not talking about any cream, perfume, or soap. My favorite scent is undoubtedly my wife's fragrance. I think I wouldn't mind smelling that for the rest of my life. It may be because I'm already used to it, but when I spend a long time away from her, the first thing I do is hug her and sniff her like a puppy.

Like a normal person, I enjoy smelling various things, and besides that fragrance, I also like the smell of the earth when it rains and the smell of a puppy's fur. But definitely, my favorite scent is the perfect combination of my wife's skin aroma along with her hair.

I could breathe that scent for my whole life, and I hope it can be the last thing I perceive when I inhale for the last time.