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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | New Year's Resolutions!

Mischievous Monday Entry and boy do I have the ultimate mischievous prank I will be conducting all year on my wife. Hold on fellas I rekon this one will hit you all in the feels.

When I walk in the door I have 3 locations that I put things. For me these locations are safe spaces and sticking to these 3 spaces means I never lose things when I put them down.

Unfortunately this upsets my wife because it doesn't matter what it is I'm putting down it will go in one of these 3 places.

My wife will often move things but, she always tells me "I don't know where you put them, I haven't touched them" and 99.9% of the time she has moved them. After searching for an hr she'll laugh because she "found them" but it's always my fault because I didn't "look hard enough" despite the things moved from my 3 placement positions.

So this year, I will be randomly moving her items and placing them somewhere different and than sit there and say "I don't know, I haven't touched them".

I'll get the divorce paperwork ready for once she finds out 🤣

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