Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | Get rid of one crime, forever!


Welcome to Qurator's Mischievous Mondays!

This will be a weekly competition that we will be hosting every Monday. We want to see a little more engagement and fun when it comes to some of our competitions so this will be a simpler and shorter competition. Easy to enter, but maybe not so easy to win. ;) This competition will be similar to the Monday Missions we had a long time ago, but instead of writing posts to enter we will now consider only the comments and answers on this blog as your entry to win.

Why Mischievous?

We all could use a little fun in our lives. We would even say that we deserve it, let loose a little and have a go at making everyone laugh or think a little, even if it is a little over the top or pure silliness. Go all out and let your creative juices flow.

This week's theme : Get rid of one crime, forever!

Today is a tough one... You can get rid of one specific crime, but in order to do so you have to commit the crime yourself. Once you do it, it will be forever gone and never be seen on planet earth again!

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  • Write a comment in this post, your comment will be your entry.

  • Only comments that fit the theme and style.

  • It has to be done by you, no plagiarism.

  • All entries will be reviewed by the Qurator team.

  • Only one entry per account.

  • Deadline: By the end of Friday

  • Your entry will not count if you aren't following the above-mentioned rules.

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1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
4th Prize
5th Prize
30% upvote
25% upvote
20% upvote
15% upvote
10% upvote

The winning comments will receive the upvote on their comment or a recent post/comment if their comment already reached payout.

Last week's theme : Top 5 bucket list items

Bucket list items are the things you want to get done before you kick the bucket. What if you found out you have 24 hours left to live and you can do any 5 of your bucket list items. No money restrictions, only the 24 hours time restriction. Your 24 hours starts now!

1st Prize - 30% Upvote



2nd Prize - 25% Upvote



3rd Prize - 20% Upvote



4th Prize - 15% Upvote



5th Prize - 10% Upvote



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Congrats to all the winners!

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The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Hive witness.

Active Witness rank: 60


If one crime would be permanently removed, it would be RAPE.

Before I answer the QOTD (Question of the day), let me rant. Our country is pro-christian and one thing I hate in this country is that we do not have any death penalties. If you kill someone, they get to be imprisoned forever which is stupid because people's taxes are paying for their food, medicine, place to stay (even if it's prison), as a reward for them killing someone. They do not need to work and yet they can eat and be healthy. This is the same with rape cases.

Unlike murder where it's proven that sometimes, your mind gets blank from rage, and you accidentally murder someone, there's no such thing as accidental rape. Even people who are drunk know what they're doing. Therefore, if someone did that act, it was intentional.

Not only the victim's life is destroyed, but since we're in a pro-christian country, if that act did result in the victim having a baby, abortion is not an option because you will be either judged by society as a murderer or gets jailed because abortion is also illegal here.

Rape is all just lust regardless of if the victim is minor or adult. And I wish death penalty would be legalized for such act as all of those cases are 100% intentional.

If my crime will abolish the crime forever then I wouldn't hesitate to kill one convict, for the greater good!

I wish things would be that easy.

It seem mind blogging to me when I see crime everyday in the news, all over the world. I can't accept the fact that one human is killing another for silly reason. Even if the matter is serious, killing is never justified to me. But yet, it heppns every single second.

I know sometimes people can't hold up their emotions and so things. Some murders are even justified too. But I'm talking about the general murder crime. Like killing someone for robbery, after rape, during war and so on. crime would be in the society forever but killing a human, taking the right of living away in just a few seconds is not.

TPeople say, it's not a big deal because different crimes and accidents are happening everyday. For example, the day before Yesterday we have seen 150 people lost their life while attending the hallowine festival in Korea. That's another thing you know. When someone take another person/persons life for their own selfish reason, that's never justified, not should be okay.

If taking the life of one convict can stop all the war killing, shooting innocent school students, bombing commoners, killing others for silly reason forver; then yes, I'm right here to do so.


If I had to get rid of one crime forever it would be slavery.

For the good of society and the world, we have eliminated many forms of slavery. However, there are still despicable forms of slavery such as the trafficking of children and women for sexual exploitation that move millions of dollars worldwide.

Therefore, I would abolish slavery starting with sexual slavery of children and women.

I can't imagine the circumstances for a person to commit a crime, but it happens, I'm one of the people who prefer to destroy.

But if the circumstances arise, it is preferable to commit a perfect crime, I think that you just have to have many resources, you just have to see the percentages of solving crimes that depending on the country, that percentage can vary and many crimes go unpunished.

If I had resources, time and someone to kill, I would start studying criminology, so I know what mistakes I should not make in my objective.

The rest would be to study the most famous criminal minds and how they came to do it.

Having influence in the power extracts, that would help a lot to avoid being investigated, for example many politicians are criminals.

And finally, hands to work....