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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | New Year's Resolutions!

in #mischievousmondays5 months ago
  • Will try to plan my work better. Often it's happening that I have to do a bunch of stuff last minute and as I need others, I don't want to embarrass them last-minute
  • Will try to eat healthy 6 days of the week, initially this was the plan for 2023 as well but it evolved sometimes to ordering food twice a week.
  • When I am leaving the appartment, I will go downstairs backwards. This should really help me to train my muscles at the back of my legs more.
  • In terms of Hive Power, I would like to double my Hive Power, 1.5k -> 3k. This should be really doable in my opinion by just blogging actively and curating. Will re-evaluate halfway the year to see if I can adjust it to 4k at the end of 2024.
  • In terms of other projects, I want to keep up my activity in the WOO community. As the public beta launched a couple of weeks ago, I think we're poised for an amazing WOO year!