Day 17:) Did you miss?

in #mistake4 years ago


Did you do anything knowingly or unknowingly wrong in recent time? Maybe you have or haven’t. But some time in the past you might have committed. That’s a normal human trait. It’s difficult to find a person who has never done a miscalculation in life or in Mathematics :P.

Steve Jobs had beautifully quoted, “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.” The more important aspect of mistake is accepting it. Acknowledging it, may hamper your reputation in short term but in long term you will be called out as more trustworthy and courageous. People don’t remember us for our faults but for our courage for accepting them. I have done blunders in my life. During our childhood days, sometimes we hid our goofs just because of the fear of scolding from parents or elders.

What happens when we don’t recognize the fallacy?

We play the most famous game, blaming. We may blame on people, situation, luck or even almighty. We lose the quality of being responsive. We may have feel-good moments temporarily but from long term perspective we won’t be growing or learning.

Compounding plays it role too. When we keep denying our slip-up in long term, we are unconsciously boost to our irresponsive quality. The growth is exponential as we remember from the one percent rule.

Acknowledging doesn’t mean we will stop being inaccurate. The more established a person is the more mistake, the person has done through the course of life. As the saying goes, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”.

I am grateful to my readers who have pointed out my howlers and helping me grow. If I didn’t start to write, I may be not committing these new omissions and I won’t be learning anything new.

Have an acceptive Wednesday ahead :)

Disclaimer : The image has been taken from here