Long Time No See

in #momlife3 years ago (edited)

Things have been a little crazy in our little home. And kind of everywhere in the world right now for that matter. In our little slice of crazy we had a few medical concerns. First off on Halloween Eve I cut into my left pinky finger and had to get a few stitches when I was trying to make a last minute costume. Then my sister had to have an atrial ablation done because she has been having heart palpitations. And the third but most scary for us was there was some concern our daughter might have leukemia. After many bloodtests the doctor has decided that Leukemia is not a concern right now. We are thinking she has Celiac Disease or another issue causing her to not absorb nutrients correctly. After the next few lab results come back our doctor is refering us to a Gastrointerologist at Doernbecher's Children Hospital. But this is very doable. Concerning but not as scary as leukemia would have been. So we have been a tad preoccupied and a little distracted from the arts and social stuffs. Anywhoo. I'm hoping to be more active with my crafts and the such. If you made it through this long here are some pictures of what we've been up to getting ready for the holidays.
Oh we also started fostering kittens for the local humane society to help distract us. <3

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