Blue Whale Game, Kiki Challenge Now Momo Challenge kills Kaya, so far 3 dead

in #momo6 years ago

After the Blue Whale Challenge on social media, another dangerous challenge has put the parents in trouble. So far in India, 3 people have died in this challenge. Now the police and administration are giving people the instruction to stay away from this challenge.

A message in mobile and 'game over'! If your message comes from an unknown number on your whitsuper then be careful! That message can also be a death distributor! Such a message has created awe in the whole world!

After the Blue Whale Challenge on social media these days there is a lot of discussion of a new game called Momo Challenge! Like the Blue Whale Game, the player who plays this game does not live! He ends himself! People are sharing this challenge on Facebook and Wattsup! MOOMO GAME has grabbed children in most of the northern districts of the country.

Vigilant state government is now taking precautionary measures to deal with this threat. Bengal CID has issued advisory to this! Prior to this, Uttar Pradesh Police and Mumbai Police have also issued advances.


That ting of Momo is even real? I dont see serious stuff about the Momo on the Internet

Momo Challeng search internet.....