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RE: Nice markup of Vechain partnerships to date

in #money6 years ago

VeChain is also one of my biggest holdings! I have upvoted and resteemed to share with others! GREAT POST like ALWAYS!!! What price did you purchase VeChain at ???? I purchased most of mine at around the $1.20 level.


Good for you! I think you should make some good money, just hold on, the best is yet to come. I started buying Vechain at $2.30 and have been accumulating for over a month. It's a fantastic project that will provide a full service product for their clients by using hardware, software and everything in between. I do believe this is a project to be held for years. Sit back, collect Thor and watch Vechain evolve into a global player.

Nicely stated! I plan to hold VeChain for the long term. Thank You for your support of the VeChain Project!!