Greg Hunter Interview: Bill Holter and Jim Sinclair - Exploding Debt Will Propel Gold Higher

in #money3 years ago

Greg Hunter interviews Bill Holter, financial writer, and Jim Sinclair, renowned gold and financial expert, of, about geopolitics, debt, economy, gold, war, and markets.


  • (00:33) Why do you think this is your last interview depending on who wins the U.S. election?;
  • (04:27) What problems do you see if the U.S. were to veer toward socialism?;
  • (09:00) What is going on with the gold market?;
  • (15:30) What are your thoughts on what is coming after the U.S. election?;
  • (20:32) What is the reset going to look like?;
  • (21:46) Do you think big cities in the U.S. are being destabilized on purpose?;
  • (30:47) What do you think will happen if Trump wins the election?;
  • (44:16) Do you think more stimulus is coming?;
  • (47:36) Where do you see the price of gold going?;
  • (51:33) Any closing statements? What should people do?;
  • And more...

58 minute video by Greg Hunter published 31 October 2020

Link Associated with this Interview

Trump Win Offers a Way Forward After US Bankruptcy – Holter & Sinclair


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Worthwhile Interview @etcmike

AMazing interview this was

Hola @etcmike, depende del ángulo desde donde se mire son buenas o malas noticias.

Hello @etcmike, it depends on the angle from which you look at it, it is good or bad news.

Thank you so much for sharing a great post

Hola @etcmike… He elegido tu post sobre “-La explosión de la deuda impulsará al oro al alza...-” para mi iniciativa diaria de reblogear…Feliz día.
Hello @etcmike… I have chosen your post on “-The debt explosion will drive gold higher …-” for my daily reblogging initiative… Happy day.

Unfortunately, people are desperate, they accept socialism. Hard times await us.

thank you for the interview with GREG HUNTER, have a nice day