How money is created?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Step 1: Central bank is loaning out nonexistent money to banks via short term loans and governments via long term bonds , with interest

Step 2: Commercial banks loan it further to their creditor customers (mortgage applicants, personal loan, etc), Governments use the money to spend.

Step 3: Creditors pay the loans back slowly from their income, governments use and increase taxes to pay back the bonds

Step 4: When you deposit money to the bank only a fraction is stored and the rest is loaned out, it's called the reserve rate, and in some cases it's 0%. They are literally operating a ponzi scheme, because if everyone were to withdraw their money at once they would either have to borrow more to get "liquidity", or go bankrupt.

Step 5: Money is created at step 4 because the loaned out money is going back into circulation. Commercial banks create more money than central banks. The resulting inflation increases prices, and creates bubbles in the economy, as everyone tries to save their wealth from inflation.

Step 6: The bubbles pop periodically when the investors realize that it's a scam. This causes a financial crisis every 7-8 years that we experience.

Step 7: The resulting debt is so great that debt crisises start forming (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, etc...) potentially bankrupting entire countries

Step 8: The ability to repay the debt is no longer feasable, and the entire system collapses

And that is how ladies and gentlemen you create a financial system that starts out well and ends with the death and impoverishment of billions of people when it collapses. What can you say , at least the bankers "tried" it.


We need to free ourselves by doin a lot of research and get knowledge about the begginnng of money, paloe transactions and financing. How the world reserve currency was created, what took away our soveriegnity as a person and our real money i.e. Gold and Silver. How we end up with Bank Notes etc. There is a lot to this, I stop here.

Yes, hopefully the financial system becomes a meme on social media, and of course here on steemit where it cant be censored. I bet FB will censor every post when you criticize the bankers.