2nd Half of this Keiser report is excellent in exposing the criminal banking cartel:

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Banking is one of the worst abusers of their near monopoly...

Most large banks are listed as too big too fail and so are behaving badly. Bernie Sanders said in this year's campaign, “If they are too big to fail – they are too big to exist.” Last year, a story broke on a leaked email from Wikileaks from the head of Citi Group, Michael Froman to John Podesta one month before election on October 6, 2008, and two months before Citi Group got the largest bail out in history, discussing who should be in the next US cabinet. Michael Froman is an American lawyer who has served as the U.S. Trade Representative since 2013. He has been assistant to the President of the United States and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs, a position held jointly at the National Security Council and the National Economic Council. He is part of the group writing the trade deals of TPP and TTIP. Those deals need to be stopped in their tracks until a decentralization of corporate control occurs. Of course the elected officials can consult with whom they want, but when they are donors to the campaigns and run near monopolies there needs to be an overview and transparency and not one dime from tax payers in the form of bail outs or subsidies. Why is a business leader, who's company should have gone bankrupt and technically did, and (the company) has been fined multiple times and charged with a felony be selecting who should run the US government? Disgusting!

As evidenced in the above mentioned Wikileaks email, and before the election in 2008, Michael Froman suggested the following people be appointed to cabinet positions and most were appointed. This is called a “puppet” government and or banana republic: Eric Holder – Justice Department, Janet Napolitano – Homeland Security, Robert Gates – Defense, Rahm Emanuel – Chief of Staff, Peter Orszag – Office of Management and Budget, Arne Duncan – Education, and three choices for Secretary of Treasury: Robert Rubin, Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner.

You don't hear about it because of this monopoly:

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Here is more detail on the BS going down:


Another article I wrote on the topic:


There are 2 pages

"If they are too big to fail – they are too big to exist" this one say a lot here. So much freedom in crypto i think. Banks already in fears.
And don't believe what they're saying -media lies.

Thanks, just good article from you @greenman

this is very helpful post.

Mr Kaiser is some really embrassing guy, i like him & i like this post! Upvote and Resteem! Keep sure to post more of this helpfull blogposts, i will look for more :)

can u give me.ur little time with me???

Thank you for this interesting informations! I followed you:)

same ques..for.you??

still no post :( @greenman

u looking very beauty

Lol “If they are too big to fail – they are too big to exist.”. You are hitting a point thx

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Really nice content over all, Max is some of my heroes. Anarchistic for life!

Good article @greenman

I really never thought about the media monopoly... but i can see where it exists to help"push" things under the rug when needed.
It makes sense why media never really digs deap into situations like this

Great post, Blockchain tech for the win!. HAPPY 4th of July to ya! :D

I think that's the reason why so many people search for an alternative. So crypto cames more an more popular. Good informations ! Thank u.

Nice post @greenman

hello~ nice to meet you^^
i followed you^^

I keep returning to this post hoping I'll find something I disagree with. Unfortunately, I do not.

Great content, thank you! You have some new follower

Thanks for share this greenman, i enjoyed the video really much. Will check out a few more of your posts :)

One more good reason to search for alternatives. today Classic bank accounts give you an annual interest of 0.5 % -come on banks .

banana republic haha ! The media is always full of bullshit... I believe cryptocurrencies will conquer the world ! :)

The banks suck! I do agree with your article that the media agents are controlled by most of them. They also control our money and never want us to know the truth.

excellent exposing! push up

Those bankers are now afraid of the blockchain technology because they will not be able to steal money from people anymore. I hope more and more people started to understand and use blockchain system to control their money and revolutionized the world.

i'am 22 .. And iHAVE no bank account , i"m free

you should post more often man!

hey paul, thanks for sharing. i absolutely can't wait for the day when i can tell the banks and payment processors to go fuck themselves

Excellent article,upvote and follow you
I do not understand How people let themselves be
Even with evidence it does not pass anything

Nice to see you again Paul, have a good morning. I guess we will have to watch it out in future. For me there is some possibility that the blockchain will change everything in monetary systems, but im not sure about the impact and im not sure about the timerange. Just nice post ;)

Haha, I love Max Keiser and his big anarchist mouth! But...i do no take him that serious all of the time :)

I think this anarchistic touch makes the spirit. What you are telling about the serious thing.. I think there are many pretty good arguments, but some of his visions seems to be bit of overtaking, if you understand what i mean.

nice post @greenman i dnt knw why you not post since 14days

Thank you for sharing this content! I followed you, hope to get more.

Nothing worse than the banking cartel. I'm excited for crypto's potential to change our medium of exchange without being at the mercy of their money printing/devaluation of currency. Thanks for sharing!

This is why I stopped watching tv many years ago.

Yep... TV = modern day propaganda

The problem is, those 6 corporations are also in charge of most of the internet publishers...

Well Paul, i think you have right, but we need to ask ourselfs, why such situtation have a place in the world. If we don;t know what's going on, then we can be 100% sure it's all about money. The sad true is that, the people are very egoisthic and do not like share with other and they in biggest group, look forward only into their own wallet. Corporations, banks , event goverments, are big shitty storm. Long time ago someone said: Who has money, have power... True and sad... Best for you Mate!

There is the first resteem! Let's wait together until the day we can tell the financial institutions to shut up and get the fuck out of here ;) Would be great

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Just found this right now, also some interesting stuff from Max Kaiser. It's about destroying the middle class, also some really actuell and interesting topic i think.. Fits to your post, so maybe you like this :)

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good job guys. Will make any positive difference if Max Kaiser anarchist. It's about destroying the middle class,

I am glad thay the monoply of banking system will end with this blockchain technology. Now they have a strong competitor in form of crypto currencies.

Agree with you @greenman. I was pissed off by the banks many times.
Thank for your post.

Keisers reports are real goldnuggets for me, thanks sharing

information nice thanks deear @greenman

@greenman! I hate bank too. Actually, they take our money and lend it to the other people so that they can get high interest rate. However, they give us only a small percent of that interest rate.

Banks need a lot of documents from us! Sometimes I feel like I am begging for the money from them when in fact, the money is mine.

yes @greenman sir really Keiser report is excellent in exposing the criminal banking cartel i agree with u...i see u blog fill of lots of knoledge of crypto blochain and some ur journy tours posts ...i learen many new things about crypto sir and gain my knowledge from it...

Pretty nice content! Thanks for sharing. I like Keiser anway, sometimes hes bit too critical.

Did you hear this report about the Trump agenda?

Do you think he is right?

Yes I agree with him.

great work sir for ur share reports about crypto and most kaiser videos..we will wait ur new post for more new infromations and ur predictions on crypto..

Hey Paul, some question. Would it be okay, if i use some lines from your post on other plattforms? Ofc i will quote them ;) would be awesome, since you share great stuff! Thank you

Yes that is fine.

Nice! Thank you really much.

Yup ,it is ,what it is . They have a very big power to use over hypnosis people . Like tv , im glad that , im not watching it almost 5years . Good article ,thats for sure . Cheers.

greenman, can i ask what you are working?

My last gig was for the world's largest company Royal Dutch Shell Group in Finance and Information Technology. I have decided to not work anymore. Here is my story: https://steemit.com/introducemyself/@greenman/i-am-the-revolution-and-it-won-t-be-televised-my-journey-begins-as-a-vagabond

I red it after writing this comment. You are writing great articles, but i think that takes really long time? Sad i don't have that time, but thanks for your answer ;) maybe you saw my comment on the post ;P I will read another of your articles, but you have that many, it will take more than two weeks to read them all and look the videos. bye

There are 2 pages