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RE: Ever withdraw $1,000,000 in cash from your bank? I did. Here's what happened.

in #money7 years ago

You cannot even take more than $10000 i.e 10K from you bank account, Other day I saw one old lady tried to withdraw $10K from her checking account, The bank manager said that we dont keep that much money at branch and asked her to come back on another day.

Do you think the Bank doesnt hold $10K at branch? Why dont they hold it?
In India there will be security officer with Gun, Here in US, I dont see a bank looks like a bank,

Its simply look like a modern office, only deposit is accepted.
All banks should change their brand name into "Deposit Bank" where customer only can deposit, but you cannot withdraw the amount you have it from your ac.

Its simply a robbery with well dressed people.