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RE: South Africa To Repeat MISTAKE That Put Zimbabwe Into HYPERINFLATION?

in #money6 years ago

Hey there, good to hear your points. I was born and raised in Cape Town and left to avoid the crowds, moving along the coast to a smaller town. Drought is the new norm along the south coast of Africa it seems, much dryer than in previous decades.

Mining is the source of the wealth of South Africa, but as you say, the wealth seems to have gone to some private coffers. The locals were used as slave labour for a century to mine in the deepest, worst conditions in the world for the gold. Those elite families like Openheimer, De Beers and the other usual names, seem to have the planet all wrapped up in their web at this point in history, with little chance of a solution to their power grip at the throats of humanity. Its slave species from here on, unless the masses, the people rise up en masse and begin the revolution. Let's see if they get it together to take back their power.