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RE: You Will Never Do Anything Remarkable

in #money2 years ago

"What's the point of struggle without the reward"

Lol man, even the "dopamine hit" of video games is starting to wear thin and this rings so true. I've kind of been living life with an extreme lack of motivation and this makes me ponder if that loss was due to a childhood of being told to shoot for the stars. Always dreaming to be the next big writer with a movie deal. I imagine I'd get a lot more novels finished if I simply focused on "it'd be cool if my cousin could read an actual book I wrote."

On the flipside of dreams comes the stark reality of life, and I decided a long time ago, and it pissed my teachers off when I told them, that "There HAS TO be cogs in the machine and I'm more than happy to be a cog."

I honestly expected to click off this video rather quickly because this style and topic is generally something I couldn't care less about, but it is a really good watch. One thing that kind of amused me was when he was covering the cost of goods. They've all gone up. BUT WEED HASN'T LMAO! It's cheaper than ever! My dad used to pay $10/g when he was a kid in the late 60's just like I did as a kid. And his $10 bought a lot more other things than my $10 did. And now weed is like $4 a gram!


hahahaha. The weed is getting cheaper 100%.

Thank fuck honestly, as you gotta be high to fucking put up with this fucked up planet.

I can tell ya watched it, shit spoke to me too hence the share / clickbait title.

Some are cogs, some are self contained machines, do what makes you happy really.