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RE: 1/2/18 Post Market Wrap Up. PLUS: Things YOU MUST Pay Attention To And Profit From. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money6 years ago (edited)

@healthiswealth...Great analyse. BTS and LTC are most probably a very good choice for 2018. BTC/LTC I'm not touching because mining is at 80% in China. China can this way probably destroy this Cryptos. BTS/EOS I'm cautious because it is secured with delegated proof of stake. There are just 30 or 100 Servers they secure the Blockchain. For Steemit I think this is ok because it is the only way to make Steemit work. With Ether it would be much too expensive. My Cryptos are Ether and Steemit.


I love STEEM! I will not sell some until $100 - should be by June.

ETH - I have 100 - will sell 10 @ $1500 to take some profits and add to my stack of Silver as a hedge.

@healthiswealth...very good thinking. I can learn from you. From where do you have this predictions? Clif High? It sounds crazy but nevertheless realistic.

I am a subscriber to Clif High

@jerrybanfield posts convinced me on where the price of STEEM is going.

@haejin Convinced me on BTS, ETH, VERGE, DOGE, LTC, with his charting.

I have been a long time subscriber to Gerald Celente

I have followed Gregory at @MarketReport for years.

Jim Sinclair and Bill Holter :

@healthiswealth...I follow them since maybe 1 year. A bit too late. I missed a lot. But better late then never.