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Time to LET LOOSE on them.

Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted, and Resteemed.

Thx Greg, market update appreciated.

Watch his videos at 2x speed. Saves time, you can understand him and the 2x speed also sometimes brings a good laugh lol

he's funny enough on 1x speed lol

Thanks for the tip. I have hearing issues, so have to put at 1.5 speed,but helps with the time, and does make more exciting. ;o)

Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

Upvote and resteemed sir

Nice setup for tomorrow .....
Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 4.30.45 AM.jpg

i forsee a big drop

So far you foresee wrong, just like Greg Mannarino. The s&p has gone up so his prediction up to this point is wrong.

Just look at the chart above and you'll see that YOU ARE WRONG!!
S&P are DOWN intraday.

So you like to use out of date charts, do you?

Are you really stating that the S&P going up 0.05% has made his MAY put call wrong? LOL

It opened up around 0.6% from yesterday. Any idiot could see what it was going to do from looking at the futures. Why do you still defend his idiotic prediction that is wrong so far?

Hahah.. Its MY OWN chart .. Screenshot taken 16.29 yesterday.. i.e 29 minutes after market closed.
Cant be more updated than this since todays market haven't open yet.
Pull the image to your desktop and zoom in and you'll see date/time stamp.

Your image shows 270.3 and when you made your silly comment calling me a troll it was actually opening at around the 272 level.

You people are being ridiculous defending this failure of Greg's. I wonder what excuses he will come up for his failure this time. Whatever he does come up with you will lap it up.

It's a sad comedy! upvoted resteemed

Friday visit.

Markets are still in fear from correction that happened.

Last week I saw David Stockman being interviwed by 3 tv anchors about the bond market. They were unable to counter his points about the bond market facing a huge correction over the next period along with the unsustainable federal, corporate and household debt that America has. The best the tv anchors could come up with was that Stockman was aprophet of doom who ignored the fundamentals which showed the economy was booming. So your termGreg about the confedracy of dunces applies to some degree. Never mind they don't have any original thoughts and would be lost with out a script to read from.

Thank you for your everyday updates!

Resteemed and upvote Mr robin hood

Thank you Greg for the information.

Thanks for the video Mr. Robin Hood!

Thank You Greg, great post.

Thanx for the update.......
re-steemed as always and I'm still stacking silver... :-)

Your each post are very useful. Thanks, sir

Keep on doing what you're doing Greg!

Thank you robin hood 👍👍 upvote

Upvoted and Resteemed!

upvote resteemit done


Why people comment before watching the video...
Its a 6:25 min video and I see comments after 1 min....
Its really offending to author of post...
I am watching the video right know....
So will edit the comment latter after I watch complete video....

Gregory Sir, it was a bloodbath out there....

Something about steem rules if you are the first to reply, etc., you get more rewards. I like the rewards, but I'm here for information. I don't care to see everyone's pics and volumes of misc bs to get a few cents.

Thank youu Robin Hood.upvote and resteemed

Thanks for sharing and letting is know robin hood of Wall Street ,upvoted.

thanks for sharing post. i like your post to much @marketreport .

upvoted and resteemed done Mr. Robin Hood! Good video as always!


Really this is update information for us. Your advised really impressed me. This is also very helful for us to be success. Thank you for sharing this post with us.

You did very well upvote you brother my upvote won't increase your money but it will say you... you did good

Resteemed and upvote

Thank you, I believe more sideways action with another drop. This week as been on a down trend so far.

All of your analysis is exceptional and leads to improvement, thanks for all of your latest videos. and i agree this is actually a lovely day.
Steem On

anyone have any suggestions for the people with less pockets who can't put SPY? What's the best alternative? I'm new to doing puts

The s&p has gone up. He said it would go down. So far he is wrong. Don't follow his bad advice.

Real nice wrap up Greg! Nice to see you playing a put right now. I see many more put opportunities in our futures !

Don't let the trolls get to you Greg!

Yes sir resteemed and upvote

Please upvote me

Greatly appreciate the update and instruction. It is most helpful. I bought back into 2 diff puts on SPY today and closed for 11% and 17%. Sure hope I can get back in on a good position tomorrow. I didn't understand why the DJ kept going up counter to the indicators of the Bond market and the cryptos. It seems that things are still a bit crazy since the plunge. upvoted and resteemed.

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