
This is silly. What can you even know about Putin? I live in Russia, and all I see, feel the hard way, all that shit on me. Orwell's novel "1984" in Russia is used as a guide. However, Putin's accusation in all this is a paranoid.

you might enjoy the post though.
its silly because this is making fun of all the goofy things western media is saying.
Nobody really believes any of it except the mentally ill, very old, and the pitifully stupid....
on second thought, that pretty much covers the entire U.S. ...
I fully expect D.C. to start WW3 and claim it was Iran, Russia, and China. I fully expect this.
So I laugh now while I can. One thing I won't do is blame you or any other Russian.
On this you have my promise.

and so you know, I don't expect to be alive afterward very long if at all.
I have faith Russia will retaliate, unfortunately, but I understand why.
I would too if I were Russian.
I blame D.C. in advance of my demise by nuke detonation.

Putin is no saint, but to think is is the primary cause of all the world's ills is silly. I had a look at your post, and saw many claims, but nothing to back them up.

However, if you can show evidence to back the claims you made in the post, it might be interesting to see.

My suspicion is that much of the trouble in (and flowing out of) the middle east has a lot to do with competing religious and tribal interests, and competing pipelines.

(To be fair though, I don't understand the competing tribal interests well enough to make a clear argument to back the claim.)

In this, Putin is definitely no saint, but he is also not the only sinner.

Bah... I just noticed that it was tagged as satire. Now I'm the one who should feel silly. Poe's law reigns supreme.

he he ... GOTCHA!!! DId I get some upvote love ?? sure appreciate it Sir.
Gotta laugh at ourselves.
And frankly, Russia has done nothing wrong.
The military "maidan" coup we illegally supported in Kiev was CIA instigated, as most of them are... even the Turkish attempt is suspected by some in the TUrk govt to be CIA. Because Erdogan won't obey us. Now he's turned his back. Smart man.
I believe NOTHING about Russia in western media. NOT ONE BIT.

Hahaha, yep, you got me. I was a bit late in upvoting, but you still got some.