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RE: Get Paid to Watch Videos You Want to Watch? A Blockchain Based Youtube Alternative That Rewards the Viewer in Crypto!

in #money3 years ago (edited)

People can still post shit. Look at Youtube. Majority shit, you just don't see it, because it's shit and nobody cares. That doesn't stop people from posting shit. And it doesn't stop the biggest names in the industry from posting either. It is shitty though the platform is taken for granted. This. Yes, there's plenty of waste. Plenty of moronic decisions. Like that stakeholder last year downvoting artists with massive downvotes and the people treating those artists like whiners if they disagreed. Perfect storm. NFT craze comes along, most of the talent gave the middle finger to this place long before, so I'd estimate we lost out on potentially tens of millions of dollars coming in the door. So was it really worth downvoting a few hundred away a day? Just because you don't like art? Then turns around and upvotes those shit posts from alternative media personalities that all combined struggle to see even something so simple as a comment...

LOL! No Klye. You didn't trigger me. Not at all. We're still buds.


I'm glad we can express different views and opinions without devolving into nasty name calling and discrediting the other persons views. God I wish more folks on here didn't take shit so personally and get defensive when alternative view points get expressed.

It took me a long time to even understand the whole NFT art scene. It was Julia who sorta runs the NFTshowroom that was able to break it down into a way that made me understand why it's being used in that space as we see it now. Often I'm slow to understand a concept without being able to walk myself through why it's necessary or exciting.

Personal preference and the sense of entitlement with stake seems to run rampant here.. And while I totally agree that we can have different beliefs and will in fact willingly die to protect your right to think, worship and do as you wish provided it harms no other.. Here on HIVE it's taken to an extreme that looks like cancer a lot of the time, can't defend bullying or imposing peoples wills on others, in fact that sort of shit is justification to action in my opinion, be it psychological operations or what have you.

To those who justify removing others potential earnings out of personal preference.. It's sorta like this: If we spent the time and effort building eachother up rather than ripping on eachother this network would be far further along, shitposts and all. :P

Sorry if I did actually trigger you though man. Not my intent, and always glad to have you pop in and share your view and take. <3

I don't know how to live a life of mincing my words and being afraid to disagree or speak my mind. Learning to be mindful along the way, on social media yet where everything is a goddamn spectacle; that takes practice.

Dude I showed up here after a long break to the crypto kids calling NFT a scam. The actual shit posters who know fuck all about this industry, mumbling along, pretending they know things. It's so lame sometimes.

The small town mentality exists here. "Join the community." The most successful acts form communities around their own content though. They don't sit and talk about the platform they use all day. Yet that's our biggest seller.

It's so funny though. I'm way too passionate about this place. Confident if I was able to place exactly how I see things in the minds of the lost, fucking place would explode, but in a good way.

And there's no need to apologize for helping bring my thoughts to the surface. Maybe someday people will actually know what I'm talking about.

Lord save us all if the biggest appeal from the outside looking in is that we're such a small community everyone knows eachother (and is potentially inbred)