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RE: How Central Banks Rob Wealth From The People

in #money7 years ago

Ahhh! - I'm scared of posting now ! lol - I haven't seen the video, but I'm 99% sure I know pretty much what it covers ( been looking at this stuff for last 4 years)

My thoughts and Ideas - It's really simple, destroy central banking and its governmental whores. -They are not here to serve the people.
How to do it?-
A completely different question, and not entirely sure of the answer - yet - let me finish my coffee, ill get back to ya...


waiting for you
enjoy your coffee

Well the coffee is drunk but the synapses aren't firing on all cylinders yet.

Here's my quick take on it.

Cryptocurrencies ! - seriously, is about decentralization. - that is the key.
I am very dubious about it, at the moment.
On the assumption the 'government ' know about technology, years before us mere plebs, it concerns me why bitcoin has been allowed to run.
(do they have system of forfeiture we haven't seen?- put everything 'backinto the system' - I dunno)
I DO know,never, ever underestimate the banks , and if you dance with devil, you're gonna come off second best...time for another coffee

oh, quick question - I' m very new here on steemit - is it 'frowned' upon to up vote your own posts? cheers