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RE: (VIDEO) IMPORTANT UPDATES: The Fed. Stocks, Crude, Gold, Silver, MORE! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

you know fellow lions, this is starting to look a lot like a sideshow at the carnival.
Now, I know what you are going to say, those Fed boys are engaged in nothing but arms-length transactions for their own accounts.
But, and I'm just saying here, that if Dudley and Evans are personally poorer today than Friday last then they are too stupid to be Fed Officials and anyone on their staff that saw the transcript of their remarks in advance and doesn't have an overseas account is obviously to stupid to draw breath.
We have all come to accept criminality with the Fed (and other central banks) but the one thing I just cannot abide is stupid criminality.
And to the Fed Governors I can only say this : " take a little pride in your profession, I mean if you're going to go criminal, put some effort into it. This mediocre criminality we've seen from you guys the last couple of days is just an embarrassment"