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RE: No Money

in #moneylast year

I was late to paying with my phone, but it is handy. I have a pot of change I try to use for small stuff, but coins just wear holes in my pockets. I can feel for small businesses who get hit with fees, but customers expect to pay by card these days. Of course all our transactions can be traced and some places don't take cash at all. That's the world we live in now.

Maybe some day I'll be able to pay for a coffee with $HIVE.



As I said on the Fediverse, I can see physical money being a thing of the past by 2040

But how will I buy my drugs? Will have to use crypto.

Yeah, well, it is for criminals innit? 🤣

Allegedly. I think they mostly use cash, but they will adapt. Apparently the US gov is the biggest holder of Bitcoin. Some will be from criminal seizures.