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RE: What Would Happen if Everyone Were Given 1 Million Dollars?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

@garfove, don't even bother trying to explain what being human means to this guy. He's a bitter, lost soul.
Even the agent in matrix compares people with a virus ( both living things ). He compares people with chemical elements (compares something with everything ). He says "having a child is like having a fart", and just so much crap that it makes my mind boggle. Both author and @truth-way-light are in on this here, and it's just another operation, to make sure the sheep stay brainwashed and happy with this perfectly "normal" system.
The underlying message of this post is " THE STATUS QUO IS PERFECT. DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE IT. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE"
What's really sad is the amount of up-votes this crap received. I really thought Steemit members are capable of some critical thinking. Disappointing really.