📷 Monomad - Skies - " Berlin- Sky🌦️ Over Water " by @lichtblick 🎅🏼

in #monomad6 years ago

Hallo liebe Steemians, Hello dear Steemians

Himmel über Wasser

Das mein Eingang für den Fotografiewettbewerb von @brumest.   

This is my entry to the photographic contest from @brumest.   

Panasonic DMC-LX 100 edited in black and white.  

Daily Topics List plus contest rules:  

  • Monday - Macro
  • Tuesday - Street
  • Wednesday - Abstract
  • Thursday - Animals
  • Friday - Flowers
  • Saturday - Silhouettes
  • Sunday - Skies


  • The posts must be in Black and White or Monochrome tones.
  • Colorsplash edits are allowed as well.
  • Each participant can post ONLY ONE SHOT PER DAY (until 23:59 Lisbon's time).
  • Every picture must be your own and that will be checked, so don't  even bother posting Google images. Stolen content will be immediately  reported to @steemcleaners.


  • There will be a total of 7 Steem per week as prize pool.
  • I will pick one winner from each daily topic . That winner will  receive 1 Steem, and will be announced in a post on the following day.  (the winner from Monday will be announced on Tuesday, the one from  Tuesday will be announced on Wednesday and so on...)

Follow @lichtblick



Da kommen bei mir Erinnerungen an den Film "3 Mann in einem Boot" mit Erhardt, Kuhlenkampf und Giller in den Sinn - obwohl der Film schon in Farbe war...

Gleich kommt von mir noch ein X-Mas Vote-Geschenkli!!

:-) ;-) :-)

Herzlichen Dank mein lieber :-) Freut mich dass es schön nostalgisch rüberkommt.
Das ist ja sagenhafter Support :-)

Das mache ich liebend gerne und kommt von Herzen! :-) :-)

Sky, sea or lake and city in a photo. Good shot. You are successful in many ways. I congratulate you.

Ho Ho Ho! Hier kommt Dein 100-prozentiger Weihnachtsupvote! Danke für Deine Teilnahme an der Weihnachtsaktion. Frohe Weihnachten wünscht @eikejanssen.


Herzlichen Dank :-)

Danke auch Dir :)

Good stuff bro. Seems like summer again :)

Thank you Jan. Do you have snow in Czech?

melting very fast... :(

beautiful and high tech city Berlin...

Your post is much interesting . The scenery that you had captured and posted are really breathtaking. Thanks for sharing this amazing post.

Berlin is an amazing city

Wow... Fantastic photography. I like your photos. Berlin sky, over water. Oh.... What a beautiful photography. Thanks for so much for your funny photography sharing.

nice phrography :)

I will come to Berline tourism for a while

Well, where do you get the photography from your blog
Your collections are so beautiful,

Very nice! I wish you victory in the competition.

What a beautiful city Berlin is, spectacular photo and happy Christmas!

really nice project :) thx

Wonderful photography
Thnaks @lichtblick
Upvote Resteem

Excellent camera shots
100% like and resteem

beautifull photo bro :)

Amazing photography. Follow and upvoted you.merry Christmas. #MONOMAD

All of the sky above the white black picture, the extraordinary photography. @lichtblick

beautiful winter in black and white.

Dit is doch bestimmt nen Berliner Jewässer, wat :)?

Frohe Weihnachten @lichtblick. Wie verbringst Du das Fest? Hier laufen gerade in der Küche die Vorbereitungen, und ich nutze die Gelegenheit, um noch schnell bei Steemit reinzuschauen und Grüße zu verteilen :)

where is it , bro

excellent shot. wonderful photography.

such a superb view look at those cloud wow :D

Excellent shot such a great view

So cool!!
Nice view!!!

Wenn es nach mir geht hast Du den Contest gewonnen :-) Top Pic!