More than the moon concept

in #moon6 years ago

There are water in the moon, NASA scientists have already predicted. Not only that, the water has been deposited in the iceberg as it has been reported earlier in the research scientists. However, this year's study found that there is much more water than the concept of moon. And it's not everywhere, but in some areas it's accustomed. This information was disclosed in a NASA report last Friday. Researchers say, how the water is trapped in the moon and in some other condition, the newly updated information-data will solve this question. At the same time, NASA scientists have said that NASA will be able to utilize the Moon for any mission in the future. Previous studies have found that the moon's water is trapped in the ice surface. Not only that, the quantity of water also changes over time. However, new research gives a whole lot of theoretical theories. It is known that the report was published in a journal called Nature Geoscience. Author Joshua Bandfild, author of the research report, said that the moon had always been proven to be water. However, the scientists still remained skeptical about the matter of how the water went on the moon. A part of the researchers thinks that the water molecules have been created through solar wind. Travel through the waves of charged particles from the Sun to the Moon. There is a water in the moon. Another group of researchers believed that the moon was preserved in the moon's time during the creation of the moon several hundred years ago. Meanwhile, NASA scientists are continuing to study the matter of whether moon water can be taken for astronomers. Not only this, researchers have worked to verify that the moon's water is usable. Meanwhile, the hydrogen rocket fuel can be used to help the moon water, they are also working on the matter.


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