Elevated to the highest point (to the moon, almost)

in #moon6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the highest point in this beautiful town!


Hello Amigos!

Hope you are having a great sunday. We have some rain here and I guess I’m starting to get some winter flu, but nothing serious, I hope.

Yesterday a friend called me and invited me go up to the mountain called Ulriken (one of the highest mountain in the town) and get some fresh air and photos. So even if it was a last minute call, and we only had two hours left of daylight, I thought: ‘damn, I have been living here quite long and I never been up to that specific mountain’. So I said yes, and one hour later we had started our little adventure and we were on our way.

View from the cable car

Ulriken is one of the most visited atracction in the town and you can get up there by a cable car. The view of the city on the way up is fantastic, surrender by mountains and fjords. The cost for the two ways tickets are 170NOK (21 USD), a bit expensive but... It’s Norway.


Once on the top my first impresion felt like I was landing in the moon. So high, so white. There is also a huge and tripping TV tower that made everything more unreal and, of course, I was wearing so much clothes that I would probably looked like an astronaut too. So I just let my imagination fly and pretended that I was conquering the moon.



The cold was really intense and It was impossible not to thinking about how people can actually live in this extreme climate, we were up there just a few minutes and we can barely talk or use our hands to take photos. It was getting darker and I haven’t the right shoes for walking in the snow so we stayed safty in the turistic areas watching the beautiful landscape and waiting for the cable car bring us back to the city.


That’s me, near to the lunar crater, freezing.

On the way back to the city I was thinking in all those cool places around me that I’m ignoring, even though they are so close to me. Definitely this year have to be different and I promise to take all the good opportunities to never miss a beautiful landscape like this. I don’t really care if today I feel a bit sick after freezing up out there, it was completely worth it.

See you soon/ Vi ses snart Amigos 🙂


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