Everyone Deserves to be Respected...

in #motivation6 years ago

This is Earth! Here, there are those who choose to practice respect for a few instead of reverence for all.

Respect, of course is a function of judgment, of relative considerations. Reverence, on the other hand, is the acknowledgment of our common denominator, the fact that we all stream from God, hence are gods.

With respect, deeds are looked at, and even form the premise of the nature of reception allotted a fellow god.

In other words, if two persons appear, one as poor, and the other, as wealthy, the one with the better appearance is much more likely to be given better attention.


With reverence, appearance is not the backdrop of perception or interaction. The basic fact of being human, of having been made by God, that, is the sole premise of reception.

Depending on one's state of consciousness, one of these is adopted and practiced.

This explains why those with a form of power would use those appearing weak, instead of collaborate, as with fellows.

They would rather deploy their acts from a place where their need to feel superior or more entitled is served.

These, tend to forget that there is non greater, non better, just gods, living within the frame of time to do the bidding of The Father.

Irrespective of what a person has amassed, he or she must remember that without the happening of time and chance, he or she would be like the one considered lesser.

Things, or the possession of things, should not determine how we talk to people, how we treat people and how we receive people.


The jobs we do should not be the determinant of how we engage ourselves.

All beings are first, gods. They entranced this space of time with empty hands, and are where they are, thanks to the variables that have made up their intersections.

Have enough sense to know that the one who treats you with reverence is probably doing that as a result of his state of consciousness, not weakness, therefore.

Take not this one's treatment of you as a relinquishment of his or her power, for such would be a mistake on your part, bearing in mind that every feeling of superiority derived against such backdrops, adorns you with a form of power, not power.

Have enough sense to never forget that all are gods, that what matters in the end is the value you have created and delivered, without judgment, but from the place of love.

Yes, love — that which defines power.

There is a form of power. There is power. Don't get it twisted. The former has an appearance, but the latter, has substance. The former would lead to oppression and incongruity, but the latter leads to cooperation and harmony.

Aspire, only to be powerful in the truest sense, to be in absolute control of yourself, doing nothing from the vein of feeling more entitled, but from the place of gratitude, receiving all in love, without the judgment of any as less deserving.

This is Earth. It's the domain of gods with the assignment to work it. Your job then is to enhance that. You don't do that by looking down on some just because they don't appear to come from the place of plenty while worshipping some, just because they appear to come from the place of plenty.

All are gods.



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Help the poor and respect for every human

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