You have a right to be motivated (14/04/2019)

in #motivation5 years ago


"Don't Be Long where you don't Belong." - - - Anonymous

Becoming Successful requires an Investment of Time, Energy, Money and other Valuable Resources. Guess what? Becoming UNSUCCESSFUL also requires an Investment of Time, Energy, Money and other Valuable Resources. So what the heck is the difference? Successful People Major on Major things, they Learn Quickly and Improve their Strategy on the go! Unsuccessful People do exactly the opposite. It's okay to have made some faulty Decisions up till now, but the very Moment you sense something isn't right, that's the moment to Pause, Tweak Stuff and Up The Game. I mean, If you find yourself in a (Shit)Hole, the first thing to do is to Stop Digging. Of what good is it to Climb to the Top of a Wrong Ladder?
© @EmdeeTiamiyu