
Do you feel the air? See the beauty of nature? How about your existence? These are all because of God's LOVE to us .We all exist , breath free air without paying any cents and enjoy the nature as long as we want ..all because of love.♥️

The four words that hit home for me here the most are "feel", "free", "enjoy" and "existence".
Feel free to enjoy existence!... breathe (just to add another word from above)

Yes, love is not thinking.. its feeling.
I listen to Echart Tolle a lot and love his ideas.

I have a friend who suffers from depression. I come more and more to the conclusion that this illness of the mind is basically beeing trapped in your thoughts and and inability to feel anything sometimes.
Hence a severe lack of love. But how can I help there?

I tried to encourage to watch feelings and emotions more.