Putting Up A Fight Against Negative Thoughts

Every human is given the gift and the ability to make thoughts. Obviously, that is what the mind is used for. However, what you allow in your thought is exclusively your responsibility, and this will go a long way to determine your actions which can proceed to form both your attitude and your character. Ultimately, it will determine your future. So you see, what you allow in your mind as thoughts will determine how your tomorrow will look like. Most of the things that people do are first created by their thoughts, then empowered by their actions and the results will begin to manifest.


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More often than not, negative thought starts as a tiny seed that is planted in the mind, but when attention is given to it, it will begin to increase and then become dominant in the person's mind. It is not bad to be tempted by negative thoughts but when you give a place to it in your mind, it will become resident in you and even multiply. So what you do not want, it is unwise to play around it. Furthermore, in order to keep in check what goes on in your mind, you should be cautious of what your eyes see. What you see can go a long way to determine and influence your thought pattern. Constantly being opened to seeing negative things will open your subconscious mind to thinking negatively.

A greater percentage of what goes on in our minds are the things that we have been exposed to from our eyes. If you will be able to control what you watch, you will be able to control, to a large extent, your thoughts. Take this instance: if you expose your eyes to watching indecent movies with strong adult contents, after you have watched it, your thoughts will begin to reverberate on the content of the movie and your mind will begin to replay it, and you will become piqued to try it out. That is, it all started from what was seen with the eyes, then it proceeded to the thoughts, and finally it led to actions.

If you will be able to guard your eyes, then you have overcome a major challenge in your life. More often than not, the major temptation that is known to humans have its root in what people see. Just like it is said, "being tempted does not mean falling into temptation," but one needs to limit the events of temptation. This is because when you keep encountering the same temptating condition, a time may come when you will give in to it. So instead of having to deal with saying "no," it is better to avoid it entirely.

In addition to guarding your eyes, you also need to beware of what you hear. You will agree with me that what you constantly hear will influence your judgement and that is because of the influence it creates in your thoughts. If you keep hearing a particular thing, a time will come when it will form resident in your mind and become part of your subconscious thoughts. Hearing negative words dominantly will ultimately make your thoughts to tilt towards the negative side of life. In the same way, hearing positive words and motivational pieces will make you to tilt toward positivities and even make you to be more optimistic about life.


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In order to reduce the events of thinking negatively, try to limit the negative words you hear. When people come with negativities, do not give attention to them. After all, your ears are not dumping ground for negative words. You should always know that the words you constantly hear does not leave you the same: it is either influencing your thoughts positively or negatively. What you allow someone to speak into your mind can determine what your mind will give off in terms of thoughts, so you should be careful of what you listen to.

Finally, to keep off from negativities and negative thoughts, you should be mindful of the friends and company you stay around with. You cannot be in the midst of negatively inclined people and expect not to think like them. Obviously, with time, you tend to imbibe the personality of your close friends and this happens because of the influence they have on you. If you stay with people that talk and do negative things, it will not be long and you see those things as the norm and may even join them along the line. So to win the war against negativities, you need to acquaint yourself with positive people.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


So many a times we try to control what we think but then we forget that the things we see and hear are mostly what makes up the thoughts we have. We don't see any reason to stop going to some places to avoid seeing some things that are not good for our minds, we just welcome in everything with applying self control, I'm a victim of this and it's really not so easy to avoid these things but then I try to put in little effort every day and gradually they are building up.

Negativity comes when our minds are filled with unfiltered thoughts which manifests due to what we see, hear and even touch.

Excellently said. That's right; what we see and hear form what we think.

Thanks for this insightful comment @hopestylist

You're welcome Sam, I'm honored to make a contribution to your article.