Journey of Mountain

in #mountain3 years ago

Once we made a program with friends to have journey of mountain. We were around 6 to 8 friends, we wake up early in the morning and started our journey. On the way we collected all of our needed items.


We did our breakfast at 9am on the top of mountain. we covered the distance in about 1 hour.


We enjoyed the beauty of nature at the top of mountain. The place named as KOTAL. We did our lunch at 2pm and have a rest of tea at 5pm. As we noticed the day is passing and the darkness expands we decided to go back to home.

We all enjoyed very much.
Hope you people will enjoy the short story and in result will upvote my content.


What does KOTAL mean??

Nothing, is just name.
And doesnt have any meaning.

Yay! 🤗
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