
Are you serious?!
That is freakin awesome!

You are familiar with Earthships no?

Best of luck to you and your projects! It's totally what humanity needs, people moving ahead with this style of life

I am totally serious about living off the land on a mountain. It feels amazing. I will checkout that earthship video. Thanks.

I am totally serious about living off the land on a mountain. It feels amazing. I will checkout that earthship video. Thanks.

Aye, it's inspiring, your video had a really good quality as well. Would be awesome to follow your path from mountain to permaparadise - a viral series on steem for sure if you keep at it.

There have been people who built their first Earthship for a few thousand bucks only, if you start small and get a lovely crew together to help you build it you would have a prime base on our land which you could later use for storage and the like, as the couple in the video has started to do after they had finished their large earthship.

Will be following your work, again best of luck to you man. It's totally what I am going for in the next years myself!

Yes definitely document the process and share it... Best wishes

Posted using Partiko Android

Man what an adventure all the best to you on your project. Looking forward to seeing it develop and hope to get some tips. Wish to be doing something similar in the not too distant future 💯🐒