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RE: Well, Barbie, we're just getting started...

in #movie10 months ago

If some men decide to tear down society, i will not be surprised.

Neither would I. I'm worried that may happen. We were at a point where we could've had a more level plain of conversation, but now we're veering towards an extreme, and that's bound to have repercussions, taking us back decades or even centuries. I was looking at the news about Kevin Spacey being found innocent (duh.) and I'm wondering, how long until we stop believing victims of actual sexual abuse? You know, because the more people are proven as liars and golddiggers or whatever, the less inclined we'll be to believe the next one. And that's a scary world, also.

I loved Ken too. I'd heard before going he was supposed to be brainless, but he's not. He's kinda dumb but he does have a story, and I thought he was quite emblematic of manhood in general. As ever, I think we work best together, and what Ken's story is is, lacking a woman who appreciates and values him, Ken does terrible things. Same in society. Without the regard and respect of women (which is something we all naturally crave. Women crave the regard and protection and respect of men, other women, etc.), we're pushing men towards something extreme and vicious.

I appreciate you stopping by, as always :)