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RE: What Makes Nicholas Sparks Novels and Movies So Popular?

in #movie6 years ago

Hello, very good article. I agree with you, now there are many more authors (women) who write romantic stories, first: maybe it's because of our advances in terms of culture (each time are women who feel free to write what they like) and secondly as you say, most romantic novels are consumed by women. I include myself, I love a good plot of romance but I also do not like it to be excessively sweet, however we are not talking about that, we are talking about Nicholas Sparks, and it is true I think he has become an author that time is not going against. I just read a story about him: A walk to remember, and basically I saw the movie first when I was very young and when I was about 18 years old and a tremendous desire to read many books, I remembered the movie I saw it and then I continued with the book The impressive result.

I also saw The Notebook, which is undoubtedly one of the most romantic movies that exist and now I really want to see The Best Of Me. And also read more about this author.