Movie Review Mythica Series

in #moviereview4 years ago


My Weekend Movie Viewing/Review

This weekend I ran into a movie series I had never heard of, (I gave up TV a long time ago, and purchasing Magazines, and reading newspapers, so I mostly hear about movies from on line reviews, or just stumble on them when surfing Amazon Prime). Most of the time when I look on Amazon for free movie viewing I end up finding stuff that is really not that good. I have a lot of started and then not watched after ten minutes movies/TV series in my recently viewed area of Amazon Prime.

The Mythica series did grab my attention, after all I did watch all five movies over the course of Saturday and Sunday. They are not real long about an hour and a half each. It looked like most of the reviews were 3 stars on average, but I did enjoy the series.

Here is the offical video trailer from "Arrowstorm Entertainment"

Here is the link to their officail Youtube page: They have a trailer for all 5 of the movies and short descriptions.

I'm not much of a reviewer, but I did like these movies, I would not pay full price and figure an entertainment value of $5.00 each or $25.00 would be a fair price on the market, to where you did not feel cheated on your entertainment dollar.


It's always nice to unexpectedly stumble upon something we enjoy! It doesn't happen often enough.

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Stop, Remove me from all of your list, this is spam and has nothing to do with what I posted.It has been awhile since I looked at the steemworld page of your so esteemed leader, and when I did I failed to see a single vote that had any value to it other than his self voting, and voting for accounts like yours, so stop.

Please edit this comment of yours to a period or a valuable comment and not a spam comment. Open your eyes and look at what you are doing. Your reputation is minus 9 does that not tell you anything at all? Do you not understand that you are spamming? Do you not understand that people left the likes of Yourtube and FaceBook for less spammy comments and content?

Are you all so cultified with your oh so great leader ohiroyamagishi that you are completely oblivious to the steem block chain culture? You leader does not even have the decency to post his videos on any of the block chain alteratives such as 3speak, or dtube. Are you all so deaf or all lack so much vision that you can not see the writing on the wall?

Open your eyes, look at his account see the truth for yourself. Stop spamming, learn to be a contributor of meaningful comments, learn how to read the writing, learn how to leave a meaningful comment, learn from YOUR MISTAKES before it is to late. You are only minus 9 reputation, it is not to late to rescue yourself from the clutches of this cult leader of yours. Open your brain and think for a minute, examine the truth of his account, of his words and then see if his actions fit those words and his account, I can tell you they do not. He is out for only one person and that person is himself.

If you and him and all of his cultified followers were really "We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible." then you all would have turned off the option to accept rewards for your comments and for your post. So when you start off with a LIE then you are a cult follower, and your leader is nothing more than a money/power hungry individual on a Super Ego Trip. He is using you and others like you to line his pockets and to keep the rewards for himself. So Edit your comment to a period, and put me on a do not disturb list.