2 Ways to Make Money on YouTube + How Much You Deserve

in #mpsteem6 years ago (edited)

There are several reasons people have to start with YouTuben. It can be something as simple as a passion for making movies, or just having a very funny video that someone thinks is doing well on the internet.

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SOURCE: http://www.alltop9.com/

Whatever reason you have, there is also something for you in addition to entertaining people, or helping. Namely: money. You know the stories, YouTubers that have become rich by making movies. Your PewDiePies, your Fine Bros, your Smashes, you name it.

That can of course also be a good incentive to get started. And I can help you with that again. Because how do you do that? How do you earn money with YouTube?

Well, look no further and continue to read for the answer to those questions!

Important before you start
What you really need to knot in your ears before you get started, or even to get started, is that you will not get rich in a week. It is possible, but then you really need to belong to the YouTube elite such as PewDiePie, or EnzoKnol if you look at the Dutch.

Those people get reasonable to big money, but when you look at their viewer numbers you also see why. It may sound really bad, but you will not be quick. That is why you should not set up a goal of a lot of money, you can not save that.


The best thing is to realize beforehand that you will not earn much astronomically, but that if you play it smartly, you can put a very reasonable amount of money in your pocket.

Well, now that we've done it, we can continue with things that are fun, and that's how you make money on YouTube. There are two commonly used strategies that I will discuss below so that you get money on your account with your videos.

Strategy 1: Place ads on your video
The first strategy, also the best known, is simply using Google AdSense and placing small ads in your videos. With Google AdSense, you get a part of that revenue per click on the advertisement.


Now it is up to you to make the videos interesting. So try to be original in terms of subject, but with a proven format. Look at well-known YouTubers like EnzoKnol, who use vlogs. If you are more of a gamer, you can also look at Kwebbelkop for inspiration. Of course you should not take them shamelessly, otherwise, you will not get views, and therefore no commission.

What you can do is make a viral video. You know, all those movies in which the weirdest, funniest, and shocking things happen that go all over the internet. An additional risk is that you become a one-hit miracle. You deserve a lot more in terms of advertisements because more people watch it, but in the long term, this becomes less and less.

Making a parody of a well-known song is also a good tool. See two films below, and also pay attention to the fact that these films have about 7 million views! You can think for yourself that that produces money of course.

So the art lies in combining the two. You see YouTubers such as Dylan Haegens and Theaumes do a lot. They do vlogs but also press releases and songs. Variety is key.


If you do it well (6 million views), your video can deliver $ 10,000 (€ 7,627.15)

Strategy 2: Using Affiliate Marketing
Another common strategy is the use of affiliate marketing. Probably you have seen a video of a well-known YouTuber in which he or she recommends a certain product, or service, or whatever. Then they do not, of course, because they are completely away from what they offer, but because they use affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing, you link your name to a company and then you will advertise your products against payment. You are indeed paid to sell someone's product.


Now you can take care of all kinds of products and whatever the advertising, but if you want to earn good money you do well to link to one (or more of course) these three topics: dating, diets and earn money.

But how does that work, affiliate marketing? How do you promote that '' fantastic '' product so that not only the marketer is happy but you too?

There are two ways to promote a product. You can either make an entire video about that product, such as a video about responsible lines or earning money. What you can do is to merge your advertising with a video about another topic. Think of a video about a nice trivial subject, or a vlog, with a small advertisement about your product somewhere in the video.

If you go for the second option, here are a few tips. First: put a link to the product in your description. It's all right if you motivate people in one or two things to click on the link and go to the website. You can do that by saying a word about the product itself or about the company.

Second, and this is what every affiliate marketing YouTuber does, is simply naming and advertising the product in your video. You actually make a mini-advertisement at the end of your video.

You could also do it at the beginning, but it works better when you do it last because people are otherwise inclined to skip your advertising, in the beginning, to go to your real video.

Furthermore, there are some other tips that bring you money faster.

Try to make your videos last longer than 10 minutes in some cases because you can place more ads on them. Of course, you have to watch out that you do not always do it, you do not see a viral video of 10 minutes often and do not work either. Also make sure that if you take your videos a bit longer, that you have some content, otherwise people will get bored and you will not get anywhere. Videos on a large subject, such as the aforementioned three topics in affiliate marketing, can sometimes be raised above those 10 minutes.
Encourage your viewers to also like and comment, and also try to respond a lot. So your videos fall faster and you become faster accessible to the general public.
Make your titles interesting. If you have never heard of clickbait, then it's good time to find out. Clickbait is very attractive titles with lots of bells and whistles to quickly attract the attention of a passing viewer. Your thumbnail can also be a good tool for attracting people. If you do not know what a thumbnail is: those are the small pictures that you see next to the title of your video when you are on the homepage or look next to a video you find viewing.


Now that you know the strategies, it is useful to know how much it actually yields. I warned at the beginning of the article that you probably will not earn tons of tons, but it is a lot more complicated than that. It depends on many variables whether you rake a lot or a little money.

Placing the ads like strategy 1 depends on how many views your video has. The ads work according to a so-called click-through rate, which means that you get a percentage of the revenue every time someone clicks on an advertisement via your video.

Unfortunately, this system does not apply to more than 1000 views, so you will first have to build a small fanbase. But if that works, you can count on something between € 0.90 and € 4.50 per 1000 views.

Now I want to go back one last time to what I said about how much you can and how much you will earn. Although the chances are that you will not earn tons, it is certainly not impossible. The main concern is that you are creative and original, then you are already 2-0 ahead of the rest.

To further stimulate you, you can see below what a few of the great YouTubers, both internationally and from our own little country, all earned.


Overview of rich YouTubers income

Well, you can start with the biggest of all. Felix Kjellberg, known to most as PewDiePie, is the YouTube giant. This man has already managed to attract a small 48 million (!) Subscribers for his channel.


To put that into perspective: that is more than twice as much as Smosh, or the VEVO channel of Rihanna. The number 2, HolaSoyGerman, has 29 million. Not too little, but it still saves 19 million subscribers, as much as the VEVO channel from Katy Perry.

In other words, this man gets MANY views. Which also means that he earns a pretty penny of course.

His annual income is estimated somewhere between € 700,000 and € 1,400,000. This man can easily buy a big house every year if he wants to.


Yo estuvo en Youtube haciendo comedia, pero no avanzaba mucho y me era deprimente. Luego me cambié a Instagram, allí no pagan pero pienso hacer mi nicho de seguidores ahí que es mucho más fácil y luego de una cantidad anunciar nuevamente mi canal. Youtube es mi meta, espero que se me de <3

I got out of YouTube ever since I found dtube.. I have a video coming tomorrow...finished editing as we speak...add me....