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RE: Advice from one minnow to another!

in #mspsteem6 years ago

Great job Lucy.
Since you will do a series on minnow advice, please stress the importance of upvoting those you like and those that support you.
Mention, as Tolkatore did that steem power regenerates and if “if you don’t use it you lose it”.
I think a lot of newbies don’t know that and it would be great if that becomes common etiquette on this platform.


Thank you :)
Yes, I certainly plan to emphasise the importance of supporting those who support you. We are nothing without the support of others in this community. Tolkatore is right that there is no reason not to use the SP when it does renew itself. Yes, it would be good if we can create a culture of supporting each other as that's what will truly contribute to the success of the platform.