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RE: Advice from one minnow to another!

in #mspsteem6 years ago

It's good advice.
Honestly, I wish people gave out their upvotes based on what they thought of the content rather than chasing whales or helping minnows. When I joined the platform I hoped that's what it would be. However, all people see is the dollar sign. To be honest I wish the payout was hidden to everyone except the one who posted.


So good to see you again! I know it is not easy. I think financial rewards do impact our behaviour and this is something we are witnessing on steemit right now. I hope that by working together as a community we can steer it in the right direction. It would be a pity if it became just about the money.
" I wish the payout was hidden to everyone except the one who posted." - That's an interesting thought!
I suppose transparency is a big part of the blockchain which is why payouts are visible. It is good in a way because there are those who are raping the reward pool but it is bad because a lot of people only vote for posts with big payouts. I am not sure what the answer is, I suppose we need to really think about it together and come up with solutions that we can propose for improvements (now I am thinking like a whale, lol).