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RE: 📌 Post Up S1E1 - Risso Recap, Prizes, & Curation on MSP Waves- Go ✅ Vote Your Favorite Posts.

in #mspwaves4 years ago

Thank you so much for the show! It was really cool to sing there (and truly scary tho lol) I did enjoy all the people’s work.

Is really hard to pick up just three post but I’m goin to say that my favorites were:

All that opportunities to show our talents, our passions or even our thoughts are just amazing!

I’ll be attempting on the next shows to sing again, maybe in English this time haha


Como yo sé que tú hablas español, te respondo en español.
Anoche no voté porque andaba desde el móvil pero hoy sí.
Gracias por la mención <3 siempre es lindo que te reconozcan.
Me encanta tu voz <3

It was amazing to have you! Thank you so much for coming on the air!
Great picks!

Yay! I appreciate the mention! It will be awesome to hear you singing in English next time haha you can do it! 💜