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RE: Isochronic tones for deep, deep sleep...with nice cello ambience

in #music-trail4 years ago

I guess maybe you don't know my history.
!. I have tinnitus very badly, it is like I'm living in a room full of tuning forks, all on Middle C, but VERY slightly out of tune with each other. 24/7/365. Hence the need for my sound conditioner; it helps to blank out extraneous sounds, knocks on the floor/ceiling from upstairs for instance.
That works very well as far as it goes.

  1. I also have moderately profound hearing loss, the VA has given me 3 pairs of HIGH DOLLAR hearing aids. They won't stay in my ears, so they made custom ear molds.
    Using those, it is like I have both fingers in my ears, so that I end up reading lips.
    My hearing loss if mainly in a very narrow, very specific frequency range, hence my ability to perform and tune pianos. I just can't tune the high end, unless I stick my head INTO the high end while Im turning that end, and even then it is frustratingly slow, and since I can't really hear that part, I don't really know if I got it right.
  2. I've done that with the screen, turning my phone face down. I couldn't lay it COMPLETELY face down because I am concerned it will cause the Backlights for the screen to over heat. So I laid it face down over some wires on my desk, about 10 ft from my bed.
    That worked ok, but if I rolled over and happened to look, I could see it. My OCD wouldn't let me look away, and I had to get up and turn it off.
    All the other tiny lights from power strips and things on standby, I have either put out of my line of sight, or covered.

So you see, mine is a complex situation. And I am working on it. One solution would be to purchase a THIRD sound system, like I have for this computer, and for my bedside sound-conditioner. They are around $35
Used to be where I could turn on a radio and just listen to that music turned down low (this was years ago before the Tinnitus became and issue) and I would wake up when a song I had marked out that I wanted to learn.
I would be charting chords in my head when I woke up. Came in very handy at times.


Have you tried tinnitus relief videos on YouTube. I have a girlfriend that says it helps her.

No, not yet.