
Do you plan on discussing software in the future? I'm curious about your DAW preference and what tools you use in your recordings.

Thanks for the informative post!

Hi there,

Yea i certainly will be discussing Software and DAWs more in the future. As a quick rundown, i mainly use protools, because im really confortable with that interface. I have come to know it pretty well and while at times it drives me completely nuts, i find it generally enjoyable to use, i think because i worked with it at college on larger set ups etc. My plugins mainly used for engineering are Slate Digital plugins, they work really well, look nice and give a really nice quality to a mix. I also use a few waves plugins and a few protools ones. A few others are Blue cat for the spectrum analyser (these are free) and for instruments i use 8DIO, and Spitfire audio for big orchestral stuff and Native instruments particularly a few in Reaktor and heavyocity, they're awesome. I hope this helps. If you want to see more of how i use these you can check out my youtube channel, audionrg, i got a fair few vids there you might like!
cheers mate.

Lots of useful information here. I hope that these posts get the attention they deserve.

Hi thank you for your kind words and feedback, i got plenty to share in the future!

Very nice.

Hi thanks for your feedback i really appreciate it, i will keep bringing it for ya.
cheers mate.

please do! I don't know enough about sound, but I believe that it is the future of making quality video content. Everyone has been focused on the 4k and 1080k resolution, but they neglect the sound. I believe that its 50/50 when it comes to quality. I had to put fur around my GoPro and stuffed some insulation in the shell to get the sound right for my flying videos. I like to vlog when i am in the air. You couldn't hear a thing before. But now it is much better. I will keep working on the sound.

Great and useful article , thank you for sharing your knowledge with us .

Hi no problem i love discussing this stuff! it makes me feel happy.

Hey shan , why there is no Audio Technica in here , what do you think about AT ? I think those mics are good. and also I see Neuman mics like Golds which I want to catch them one they ,LOL