Tricky Tuesday!

in #music11 months ago

In about 2012 , on my way to the Bohemian Club near Melville, where I was the Resident Sound Engineer (they evidently needed someone E.G.L.) had the Radioon and heard the announcement, about a new S.A Band and they played this song.

I was immediately smitten!

When I arrived at the Club, several bands were already there, and I mentioned I had heard this great new number, and one of the Bands said :-

That would be us!

Another Memorable one was this, My car broke down on the way there, when I arrived , one of the Power Amps was Blown and the Monitors were missing! Managed to sort it all out.

Adorned in Ash was a Surprise, I had never before, heard a Female Singer do this?

Mark Haze, just after coming 2nd in S A Idols turned up at the Bohemian with one of his Band mates, and performed a set .

I told him that I had no idea how someone else won?, as he was so much better!

He was very humble about it. Nevertheless, Mark still has a career in Music, no one has ever heard from the winner again.

BTW Son of a 1000 gave me a copy of their CD

All Videos are from YouTube, not my Property, Words and captions are my own.


Darn, Car & Amp broke down on the same day. Glad you heard some good music when all was handled and managed ;) Did you eventually repair your car with parts from the Amp? Perhaps turning your car into a big ass amp and speaker? {LOL} While being on memory lane: Do you miss the days you did the sound?

Thank you for your reply, I had bought the car ( Ford Sapphire with dropped suspension and wide wheels +modified motor) told what a Great Deal from a Friend.Rebuilt the motor myself, and drove it for years.
I still do sound, doing a wedding tomorrow , and occasionally bands, have a recording studio/ rehearsal room for bands . but since Covvid, very slow

Nice you are still doing sound. Hope the Wedding was a nice gig.
Aren't performance picked up after Covid again? Or is it more like other peeps stepped into the sound engineering jobs?

Covid did some crazy things to music. Like in the electronic music side of things, much became much faster. Some say it is all due to TikTok, making the new generation of kids (teenagers, young adults) fall in love with different styles of music through TikTok, instead of through the real-life music/club/festival scene. A Dutch reporter called one of these new variants 'TikTok Techno'. At first, I thought my friend was joking when she told me. But then I discovered this was real thing 😂

Wedding went well thanks, the Meal was exceptional ! I often did sound at Clubs and by mid 2017 Bands that used to Pull 3 to 400 people to a Club, you were lucky to get 40. Not sure if it was Booze Pricing or Streaming starting to take over the World? I own better Sound Equipment that I ever had before , but Gigs are far fewer. It appears the best thing to do ,if you are a Songwriter is to get into Synch licensing on TV shows. Thank you for your Comments.