Introducing Mark U and his song 'Objective Views' Live in my Home Studio - DTube Exclusive

in #music6 years ago (edited)

What's good DTube!

My friend and fellow musician Mark U is visiting from New York, and earlier today we filmed this video performance of his song "Objective Views" here at my home.

We've been talking all about music, life, and also cryptocurrency, which leads me to also say this is Mark U's blockchain debut!

Thanks for tuning in, and check him out for soulful, meaningful, and conscious lyrics!

You can find more about him on his Instagram: @markumusic

And he's joining Steemit this weekend so there will be plenty more to come!

▶️ DTube

Ya I miss the old school 90s hip hop, those were the dayz

What Hip Hop should have become, unfortunately work like this goes under the radar (though I hope not for long) and artists like Lil Pump thrive.

Too many lil's around now lol

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